Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Really appreciate it!


If i had my 20ā€™s back I wouldnā€™t chase the heavy stuff againā€¦ to many nagging injuries. Very impressive numbers though @Zeekinout. Be careful as you age!


Holy fuck, manz got so much plates on the bar/machine sheeesh!!! :smiley: You training to lift a car or something? :stuck_out_tongue:

Kinda makes me wanna get into powerlifting lol, great work man :slight_smile:


I appreciate you thinking Iā€™m 20 lol Iā€™m 33 and itā€™s all about nutrition, rest, and as I get older just keeping active! Even lazy people who donā€™t train and just sit on the couch most their lives get injured! Itā€™s life and I want to reach my full potential! No what ifs later thatā€™ll Iā€™ll regret! My teens and twenties were about drugs and alcohol so I know my body can take a beating that way and recover! Now itā€™s time for sobriety and strength! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:


100% recommend man just really depends on what you want your body to look like!


Wait til your mid 40ā€™s bro :wink: Keep getting after it


I coughed the other night, and thought I popped a rib. :joy:


Lol!!! Feel like Iā€™m one cough or wrong sleep away from being paralyzed sometimes :laughing:.


Yall are scaring me, I donā€™t wanna get old :joy:

Makes me think of this meme :stuck_out_tongue:


Besides the achy joint pain no matter what I do, the debilitating heartburn every time I eat something semi spicy, and waking up 3 times a night to take a piss. Getting older ainā€™t half bad. :rofl:


Donā€™t forget about the weak stream :unamused:


I think I may have mentioned that Iā€™m in the nutrition program at my gym. I confessed to my nutrition coach that I secretly still get my sweets in because I canā€™t help it! :rofl: I love my doughnuts! :doughnut: This however is putting a halt to my baby six pack abs. And, in addition to trying to get me to lay off the sweets, my nutrition coach is trying to get me to get my 10K steps in a day to help move things along because the numbers arenā€™t budging. :tired_face: Iā€™m currently sitting at 135lbs. and Iā€™m trying to get anywhere from 125 - 130lbs. What has everyone done when theyā€™ve plateaued?


Keep your metabolism off guard, eat at deficit most days and at surplus once every week or two. That doesnā€™t mean eat whatever, just eat a little more. Hit protein goals. I also suggest going by how close fit and not the scale, trading fat for muscle can make that scale sit still (not to mention how much weight the body can fluctuate in any given day). Keep after it, youā€™re doing great :+1:


For the most part, I do well a majority of the week. I have my lean protein, veggies, 1/4 of a sweet potato, and now incorporated a side of leafy greens w/lime juice & pieces of avocado. I think whatā€™s killing me is the snacking. I canā€™t help it then I reach for the sweetsā€¦ doughnuts, chocolate, chipsā€¦ :drooling_face: I usually have two cheat meals a week and itā€™s mainly a burger with fries or Mexican food. I feel like Iā€™m partially disciplined but really need to hone in on it.


Interesting method, Iā€™m going to try this! My coach does have me on a calorie deficit. I just have to cut out the sweets to avoid surpassing it! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: A lot of clothes that didnā€™t fit me now do though. The abs arenā€™t peaking out yet. Iā€™m just aiming for little baby ones. :pinching_hand:t3::joy:


Time for that post gym protein shake and dinner!


Post superset workout, pre bike ride.


Out for another entire week with a virus from hell. Iā€™m not usually much bothered w colds but this was something else. Goddam this year sucks so fucking bad so far, guys.

Came back strong today w a push day, still half dead tho tbh but couldnā€™t wait anymore. :mechanical_arm:

Did I mention the PT estimates Iā€™ll be back to fully functioning right arm by September. I miss having arms. Sigh. I wonā€™t be filling out my tops this summerā€¦

Edit I was gonna add a pic of my wl communterā€™s prepped food for 1.5days but it wonā€™t load. This week itā€™s a boatload of sandwiches, vegetable soup w tuna and joghurt for breakfast w berries. Most of my writer colleagues seem to live on ciggies and I heard someone say last week how he eats fruit loops out the box for breakfast :joy: cute. I guess weā€™re all different weird. :melting_face:

Hold on to your happiness, friends, wherever it glints at you. :kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::boar:.

Updating this cos Iā€™m a proud weirdo haha: not pictured are the copious amounts of protein bars I have in all my bags and pockets :kissing_closed_eyes:


Thatā€™s tough for sure. Hopefully you heal up sooner than not.


Thanks buddie.