Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Curently at about 80 kg weight.

So I kind of was dropping weight for my running goals, lost few+ kg’s and then I don’t know sometimes (well most of the time) I just get into hyper mode when in the gym and start to lift as heavy as I can so I gained few kg more :sweat_smile:

Anyway still aiming for running goals, have no rush, just going with the flow ya know…


Alright guys, on week two of the 531 and loving it. it’s early days but I’m really enjoying the change.
doing BBB and my usual small stuff afterwards. @Zeekinout I’m using your template - what happens in peak week?
also, in week 5 - do you just add 5/10lbs respectively or do you use some of your 1+ or 3+ sets from the first cicle to calculate your new 1RM and get your new numbers that way?
I’ve read both. But I am a total scardycat when it comes to squats (I know I know, shameful) since I had a pretty bad wobble last year and I have mentally not overcome that fear to this day (working on it) - I would much much rather calculate my own numbers than being forced to lift sth Idk if I can on the squat. any insight?

:fire: :pray: :boar:


Yes week 5 you go up 5lbs for your arm workouts and 10lbs for your legs! Then week 9 another 5 and 10lbs! Week 12 you should be able to lift a new personal best! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:


Thought Id start doing a weekly checkin on fridays for my health journey. This is a main focus in my life right now. So want to hold myself accountable :slight_smile:

Managed to get 2 intense workouts in this week. Not nearly as often ad i wouldve liked but I was unable to hit the gym earlier this week due to my son being home and unwell. Im grateful tho for what i managed to do. I did a full body workout yesterday along with cardio. And today i finished off that full body workout and did some light cardio.

I am wondering about switching things up a bit tho for my workouts. I normally (when life doesnt get in the way) workout 5x a week, different muscle groups each day along with cardio.
What muscle groups would be best to do together each day of the week? Or should i do 2 days out of the week to be focused on strength training and the other 3 days cardio? My goal is to lose weight ultimately and then of course build some muscle at the same time.


Going to check out another gym on Tuesday which is much further away from me but offers 1x1 coaching, nutrition coaching etc… I need a new program/routine for back, chest, legs so I can target certain muscle groups on certain training sessions and I just don’t have the knowledge to make this program on my own. Feeling bloody fantastic though. I continue to lose weight and am currently at 99.8kg from my starting point of 116.8kg on Feb 10 and muscle definition is coming along also.


Saturday morning. Time for the church if iron


Guys, this bitch squatted the 95% for 1 rep today and I didn’t die or fall over from fear. I had been dreading this day in the program but I somehow felt confident today and I just did it and it went really well, better than I thought. Kinda hoping if I make more of these experiences, I’ll begin to trust myself more again and my squat fear will eventually subside… Proud of myself today. Also 8kg more than I ever did, my top set sat at like 85% apparently. Phew. Now all the food pls.

:eyes: :boar: :fire:

(Also I wanna add that this is a mental struggle. I’m not lifting in any way noteworthy weight on the squat and only been doing it for like 2yrs.)







On a weight cut but still making personal records! 505lb deadlift! It’s only 5lbs more than my last record but it’s progress!! Feeling blessed for this new life I’ve gotten to create for myself! The gym truly helps ease the mind and body!


Thats epic bro! Thats nearly 3 of me!!


Say hello to my little friend :joy:

Did all my pushups this morning, no dropping to my kees :tada::tada: used 20lb dumbbells for my shoulder presses and we had intervals of burpees. I did 25 standard chest to ground :tada: Feeling strong today :muscle:


Nice lil 4 mile run to conclude my workout


455lb squat today!!! Didn’t get it as low as I was hoping but I’ll take it! The big three lifts are all new personal records now! Bench=275 squat=455 deadlift=505 so that means time to start a new 5-3-1 program with my new numbers!!! Day 744 of sobriety and never felt so strong mind and body!!! Keep grinding guys rent is due every single day!


That’s incredible bro! Great f*ing job!


Much appreciated! :muscle:t3:


Really great work Zack! Awesome to be cheering you on! :fire:


Not a work out selfie unfortunately. I’m dismantling the home gym for the move. And I’m building a 75 gallon aquarium stand with which was once the squat rack. I’ll be ordering a home smith machine /cable machine that I found as soon as I get there next week, and then it will be back to workouts thank god. :v::green_heart:


Cool. Good luck w everything! Do we get to see the new aquarium? Will it be in your new gym?!


TY. Yeah it’ll be in there. As soon as everything is up and running I’ll show yous. Mi casa es tu casa . :v::grin: