Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Gotta keep studying. No telling where you can find a place like that

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Something to add: whole new respect for vegetarian/vegan lifters, runners, athletes.

Since early last week, Iā€™ve pretty much removed meat from my diet. I already hadnā€™t been eating pork for years and beef was a few times a month. However, without fail, I was eating at least half a pound of meat per day - mostly chicken.

Just grew tired of what I eat, and the texture of chicken especially became unappealing.

It is HARD to get in my range of 170 - 220g protein a day. Forget even sniffing 200g. Additionally, at least 90g of it is from supplements - protein powder, bars. Rather get it from real food.

I am aware of the higher protein non-meat options, but none of them are even close to meat in terms of ratio of calories/volume to protein.
Like of course chia seeds are a great protein source when I eat 6 freakin ounces of them lol. I still eat all these alternatives though (chia, flax, lentils, quinoa, walnuts, eggs, fat free cottage cheese, plain fat free greek yogurt, etc) but Iā€™m just scraping 150g protein each day WITH supplements.


Why so high in protein? I thought the idea was one gram per pound of lean muscle mass you wish as goal weight.

Just asking as perhaps I misunderstood the protein targets.


Not necessarily per pound of lean mass, Iā€™ve always read and go by 1g to 1.5g by per pound of total bodyweight. I hover around 170-175 these days.

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Okay, I get ya. Iā€™ll have to dig more into cause Iā€™m way low by that logic for sure.

I was told goal weight (say 200lbs), x 80% (assuming 20% fat) would be 160lbs of lean mass so 160g of proteinā€¦

I currently struggle to hit that (avgā€™ing about 130ā€™ish per day) and about 54g is two mixes of protein wheyā€¦


@TMAC First of all, great decision on cutting off meat! Im not vegetarian myself, I enjoy some pepperoni pizza or polish pierogi with meat once for a while :wink: But for sure meat is not my thing, never was.

Iā€™m working out quite often so protein intake is important for me as well. I know you donā€™t live in Netherlands but pretty sure in US you have options, probably even more :slight_smile: I found some bread for example which contain 11g of protein in one slice! And is very very eatable :wink: not bitter, not dry, maybe you can find something like this as well:

2 slices with for example cottage cheese or hummus and boom! nice portion of proteins.

Also every morning I eat some yoghurt with nuts and dates and since I found this particular yoghurt itā€™s another protein bomb

(28g only yoghurt + mix of nuts probably another 20-30g)

What I wanted to say is there are some good options but itā€™s important to read info on the boxes.

Oh, edamame beans are also great source of proteins and they taste so neutral, you can add it almost to anything.

Fishes? You like fishes? Tuna mixed with avocado on a bread - yummy protein bomb.


Girl youā€™re gorgeous :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:

I second everything you said!! Edamame and yogurt are a staple in my diet. I got some vegan chicken nugs to try today and they have a decent amount of protein in them as well


I used this for my main 4 lifts then added at least 2 other cable exercises and just did 5 sets of 10 reps at a comfortable weight. Weekends I spend 3 hours at the gym so Iā€™ll usually do many sets of high weights and low reps weekdays I follow the chart with 2 smaller lifts like I said in beginning. Not sure if that helps but it works for me lol plus itā€™s fun to use other workouts and make them your own!


Has anyone tried Ghost protein powder? Iā€™ve been using premier lately but when I went for my reorder last night amazon offered that other brand and they have a cinnabon flavor. Iā€™m a huge cinnamon fan lol so Iā€™m thinking of giving it a try


Iā€™ve never tried it but Iā€™ve never heard anything bad about it!


Highly recommend there delicious!!! Every flavor Iā€™ve had are spot on and never clumpy besides the little bite size pieces of deliciousness they add in!!!


Nice!! Thatā€™s exactly what I was wondering. The premier mixes really well compared to the nutraone I was using. Iā€™m gonna give it a try when I need my next container. Thanks :blush:


Do you guys do a deload week? Iā€™ve been going to gym every second day for almost 2 months and someone suggested I do a deload week this week.


Hey, yes absolutely thatā€™s important. Rhythm and frequency depend on you, thereā€™s no hard rule but after two months is good, could also be sooner. I usually just take a week off. In the past I would sometimes just drop the volume.


Body feels good/normal. Back to the gym after over a month. Itā€™s like Christmas morning.

Let 'er rip


Glad to see you back to it. Still looking strong though :muscle::+1:


Thanks - felt great to get the muscles moving. Leg day tomorrow, will need to be careful first time back. Might stick strictly to bodyweight exercises this first time. Going to ice/heat throughout the day all week just to help.

Interested to see how my body responds to lifting under my new mostly vegetarian diet.


If your going all vegetarian, are you taking in extra whey, in order get you protein up or eating more of the other stuff, yogurt nuts that kind of thing


Itā€™s def tough getting the protein in from real food, sans meat! Respect to people that make it work. I will. ā€œHigh proteinā€ nonmeat options are great but the ratio of protein/volume isnā€™t even close. Still eat them though yeah.

Prevously I was keeping it around 200g/day. Now Iā€™m on the lower end but still getting 1g protein per lb of bodyweight