Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Guys, this bitch squatted the 95% for 1 rep today and I didn’t die or fall over from fear. I had been dreading this day in the program but I somehow felt confident today and I just did it and it went really well, better than I thought. Kinda hoping if I make more of these experiences, I’ll begin to trust myself more again and my squat fear will eventually subside… Proud of myself today. Also 8kg more than I ever did, my top set sat at like 85% apparently. Phew. Now all the food pls.

:eyes: :boar: :fire:

(Also I wanna add that this is a mental struggle. I’m not lifting in any way noteworthy weight on the squat and only been doing it for like 2yrs.)