Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)



On a weight cut but still making personal records! 505lb deadlift! Itā€™s only 5lbs more than my last record but itā€™s progress!! Feeling blessed for this new life Iā€™ve gotten to create for myself! The gym truly helps ease the mind and body!


Thats epic bro! Thats nearly 3 of me!!


Say hello to my little friend :joy:

Did all my pushups this morning, no dropping to my kees :tada::tada: used 20lb dumbbells for my shoulder presses and we had intervals of burpees. I did 25 standard chest to ground :tada: Feeling strong today :muscle:


Nice lil 4 mile run to conclude my workout


455lb squat today!!! Didnā€™t get it as low as I was hoping but Iā€™ll take it! The big three lifts are all new personal records now! Bench=275 squat=455 deadlift=505 so that means time to start a new 5-3-1 program with my new numbers!!! Day 744 of sobriety and never felt so strong mind and body!!! Keep grinding guys rent is due every single day!


Thatā€™s incredible bro! Great f*ing job!


Much appreciated! :muscle:t3:


Really great work Zack! Awesome to be cheering you on! :fire:


Not a work out selfie unfortunately. Iā€™m dismantling the home gym for the move. And Iā€™m building a 75 gallon aquarium stand with which was once the squat rack. Iā€™ll be ordering a home smith machine /cable machine that I found as soon as I get there next week, and then it will be back to workouts thank god. :v::green_heart:


Cool. Good luck w everything! Do we get to see the new aquarium? Will it be in your new gym?!


TY. Yeah itā€™ll be in there. As soon as everything is up and running Iā€™ll show yous. Mi casa es tu casa . :v::grin:


So howā€™s the tendonitis in that bicep area feeling. Have you been able to do your pull days without to much of a problem?


I thinks its healing, just slowly. The pain is decreasing more and more, also after rehab exercises. Iā€™m trying to get new physio apppointments cos I donā€™t know how to progress further w it tho. I have sought out some info on injury and tendons and it seems a lot of it is leaving it alone. So I try to do little. And also I have realised I was way way way overtrained and underfed in autumn. I was ignorant and brought this on myself.

Iā€™ve been eating more, especially rest day carbs are up by 3x the amount. Iā€™m trying to make rest a priority more - like a 12hrs bar shift without a single break where your legs are on fire the next day and you get hardly any sleep maybe should not count as a rest day. :-S

Iā€™m learning. If anyone has some solid trusted source of info on injury and overtraining prevention for someone whoā€™s been doing this a while, Iā€™m all ears.

I am doing 531 and that doesnā€™t have full on pull days. Iā€™m still barred from any curl, pull-ups or heavy row movements. I tested a bent over row last week and it aggravated the arm.
Iā€™ve been doing one armed rows and that goes ok, no pain after. Really miss doing pull-ups (and looking like I do pullups, not gonna lie) but thatā€™ll still be a long time. My PT estimated Septemberā€¦

Thanks for asking! :kissing_smiling_eyes:


The heavy dumbbell or EZ bar pullover is really the only exercise Iā€™ve found that really targets and stretches out the lats really well, without much of any strain on the biceps. I know how hard it is trying to work back and not pull and bend the elbows


Ohh, I will give this a try, many thanks!

Imma have to start a bit lighter cos I canā€™t really use my arm fully to stabilise during setup. Iā€™m limited even in say a seated db SP cos I canā€™t slowly bring heavy dbs up into my lap or back to starting position w my arm :roll_eyes: and anything I have to do more than 10times makes me nauseous lolā€¦

V grateful for the tip! :sparkles:


Iā€™m really jealous of everyone getting after it hereā€¦ Iā€™ve been unable to lately. At first because of time constraints and now because of health.

Those that have been around awhile know I love my gym and loved being in it. Just know that life is gonna kick your ass and itā€™s alot easier taking those ass kickings sober with some muscle on yaā€¦ keep grinding but listen to your body.


Not sure whatā€™s going on but wishing you only the best, Dan. Hope you can get back to it the absolute soonest possible. And get well. Much love.



I gotta tell someone, people that will understand.

My back injury recurred back in early March like you all know. Since then, everything in my low back/hips/glutes has been super locked up. Horrible stiffness and persistent, varying levels of pain.

Last night I was doing my daily stretching/yoga, and all at once, EVERYTHING - like the entire middle third of my body - let go and opened up.

When I tell you this was the most intense feeling of relief/release that I have EVER had in my LIFE, itā€™s not hyperbole. I had an immediate and involuntary response of crying and laughing for a solid 10 mins after.

I think I undid stress/tension in there that even predates my spine fusion. I havenā€™t felt space in my spine and pelvis like this in YEARS.

My fuck, I am so damn grateful today.


What a beautiful experience! @TMAC thanks for sharing :slight_smile: