Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Guess Iā€™ll suck it up. The groaning and stiffness canā€™t be less dignifying than one of those things!


Well for the first time Iā€™m what seems a long time Iā€™ve been to the gym 3 times in the last 4 days. Really enjoyed it but need to take it slow as Iā€™ve a few injuries from when I did use to go regular that have not healed properly from shoulders to lower backā€¦ But so good so far


Thatā€™s great. Yeah start of light and build the foundation back up. Try and injury proof yourself


:rofl::sweat_smile::laughing: itā€™s really not that hard you just gotta pee on the seat and the floor a little :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::crazy_face:


Got myself a gym membership last week and am super excited to have access to all sorts of equipment that my home gym doesnt have. I wanted to work out back the next time I can get there, can I ask you fellow gym goers what exercises would be good to target all areas of the back? I was thinkingā€¦
Lat pulldowns
1 arm dumbell rows
Lower back extension
Seated cable rows
Chest supported dummbell rows

Im not sure if these exercises are all necessary so looking for a bit of advice for what is best to target all area of the back. Thank you!!


this is a good selection. i would personally choose either one arm dumbbell rows or the lat pulldown or the chest supported dumbbell rows and I would add in standing barbell rows and deadlifts. these are big movements that require some practice to learn but they benefit your body overall, specifically the back.
you go from more complex to more isolated movements.
start slow, start light, start manageable. track your progress and learn good form.
congratulations on your gym membership, a gift to yourself, body and soul. :purple_heart:


Finished week five run one of C25K training. Iā€™m doing about 3.5k now in 30 mins ISH. Did some stomach crunches afterwards, but want to start working with my kettle bell also at home, just a quick ten minute workout each day. Anyone have a good and simple plan to mainly tone arms and upper body up?


Back into the light deads todayā€¦ keep this thing going in the right direction :clap:


Iā€™m not a fan of 1 arm dumbell rows (increased hernia risk). Landmine barbell rows or a tbar row are better options imo.

Iā€™ll add that if you learn how to deadlift correctly it brings the most bang for your buck, nothing beats it but it can be dangerous, always stop at form failure not physical failureā€¦ big difference


Deadlifts are the shit but obvs safety first so proper technique needs to be learnt. That goes without saying. @Butterflymoonwoman happy to forward you the vids i found most helpful on yt when the time comes.

I think I found the culprit for my biceps strain or whatever, maybe part tear thatā€™s been bugging me for coming on four months now: fucking one arm dB rows! I finally turned my brain on and realised I was doing them at almost elite level (wtf) while my curls are proper weak. So my biceps was suffering. No wonder! Gonna change that shit right up. Gotta be wary of isolated movements and of routines going unchecked and unchanged for too long. :see_no_evil: looking forward to be able to use my arms again at some pointā€¦ Stupid.

Update on the muscle ache from hell: itā€™s awful. I walk around like I had my hips and knees surgically stiffened. Nice.


Oh yeah you definitely went way to heavy right out of the gate. :rofl:. FYI though when I tore my rotator cuff before I had surgery, my bicep and elbow hurt like hell, even when my shoulder didnā€™t sometimes. Doc told me it refers pain down there sometimes. Not saying thatā€™s it, but watch your shoulder impingement on certain lifts.


Iā€™m sorry to hear about your loss. Iā€™m glad that lifting helps with the process.

A big problem I see with 1 arm dumbell rows is the tendency for some people to do them with incorrect posture. Not only can it lead to injury, as you mentioned, but also the desired muscles donā€™t get targeted in the way the person hopes.


Ty. Iā€™ll need to be more conscious. Iā€™ve been in such stress during this first commuting semester, i just wanted to get the training in somehow. Thatā€™s gotta change, I know. Boar gotta learn. :pray:t2:



2nd workout of the weekāœ…ļø


Made it to the gym today. Found a great cardio machine and then tried doing back exercises. Its incredible how much confidence ive lost in the gym. Its been over 10 years since ive walked into an actual gym with all the proper equipment. I felt like a newbie all over again (Im sure I look like one too haha). I got to start somewhere lol and my buildings gym and at home workouts arent cutting it anymore. I weighed myself today and ive lost 9lb since january 1st. Im sure most of that is water weight etc but ive been making big changes to my diet and exercise regimen so im liking the results im seeing so far :slight_smile:


Just remember that most people donā€™t pay attention to anyone else at the gym plus itā€™s the new year so there are tons of newbies :slightly_smiling_face:. You ainā€™t there for anyone but you anyway :wink:


Haha i appreciate u saying that. There was a couple of exercises that i really felt silly doing and was internally embarassed, praying that no one was looking :rofl: And ur rightā€¦ i dont pay attention to others so why would they pay attention to me. Ill remember that for tmrws workout :slight_smile: thanks!!


Good for you Emma. :muscle:. Consistency is one of the most important things in a good workout regimen


Everyone has to start somewhere and everyone has done an exercise wrong. All the new people will be doing their own self-conscious floundering and all the experienced people will just be focused on their own stuff. You are there, you are making a genuine effort, and you are learning! Those are the important things!