Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

I like saying im outworking my demons :laughing:


Bro, I like that :+1:


Light deadlifts, pullups and some bi work on the slate today. Easing back in, should be full go again in 2 more weeks. Feels good to be back though :relieved:


Donā€™t make me come to Detroit and show you up. Get at it buddy :muscle:t5::muscle:t5::rofl:

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I have been on a 7 month bulk and doing more weight over reps and hitting some big numbers! This is my personal best for deadlift 500lbs as of January 7th! I donā€™t have pics for my squats at 435lbs or 255lb bench but next time I go for maxes I will definitely have pics for documentation of my progress! Thatā€™s 1190lbs for the big 3 combo! Iā€™m possibly thinking about getting into a powerlift meet once I get the numbers I feel more confident with! If I wasnā€™t sober I truly donā€™t think this would have been possible. I have always been into lifting but drinking was always top priority. Things are starting to really take shape lol


Nice job bro!


1000 pound club! LFG!!! Thats serious numbers man. Congrats!


I want to become more active in this thread because clearly this is where the cool kids are. :wink: But also to add it to my expanding focus on increasing my activity levels.

As a small background note, I grew up very overweight and sedentary. I lost about 130lbs between the age of 16 and 21, and continued on from there. The first time I went to college, I made sure to be enrolled in at least one activity class a semester, and became extremely passionate about it to the point that I returned to get a second degree in exercise science (with a focus on movement patterns and the movement as medicine philosophy), though I never finished due to lock downs and then injury and illness.

The last couple of years I have been fairly inactive, which has been rather depressing since I find a lot of joy in being active. The endorphin boost has always been a mood enhancer, and there is something so great about being able to live every day life in a more effortless mannerā€“something that was a stark contrast to my sedentary upbringing, and how I feel now.

In the last couple months Iā€™ve focused on light cardio, and body weight exercises, avoiding extra load with weights to ease back into things and to figure out the best way to work around my existing injury issues. Being bedridden will definitely kill my gains. :laughing: But yesterday I began to add in some choice weights, which was a great feeling because even though it feels like Iā€™m starting from the bottom, I can see how far Iā€™ve come in the last couple months and even the smallest progress each day is still progress.

Have any of you dealt with a major injury that kept you from lifting (or exercise in general); and, if so, what did the road back look like for you?


Thatā€™s great. Yeah Iā€™ve had rotator cuff surgery and hip surgery within like the last 8 years. My advice would be to do exactly what youā€™re doing and check your ego at the door and start back very light. It took me a full year to get all my range of motion and strength back in my shoulder. And I still got a lower back disc thing that Iā€™m working around. Push yourself through workouts, but donā€™t kill yourself, if that makes sense. Like you said itā€™s gonna be very hard to make a progress if your laid up on the couch


Much appreciated thanks! :muscle:t3:

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Hell yea thanks! 1500 on the way!!! :muscle:t3:

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Are you able to go to Physical Therapy and get some ideas and instruction on whatā€™s best for you and a simple plan for your goals?
Iā€™m glad youā€™ve seen some small progress in the last few months
Iā€™m an exerciser and I always see it as a fine line between helping yourself and hurting yourself.
Big hugs friend and best wishes for good results for you.

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You said you just added extra weights yesterday. Without knowing your specific abilities or disabilities I will mention one or two weight exercises that the weight can be increased accordingly and are simple enough that they should not hurt you.
Since you know a lot about exercise you can decide. One is the Farmerā€™s walk which is simply walking with a weight in one handā€¦ say anywhere from a can of food, to a water bottle to higher, 5-10-15-20 pounds and on it goes. Only hold it on one side. Both sides will balance you out. Walk 20 feet, turn around and walk back. Repeat.
The other is to simply walk, holding a weight in front of you, elbow bent, to your side elbow bent, and up above you, straight, only one side at a time, starting with as light of a weight as you want. I think it is called waiterā€™s carry.
PS I have had significant injuries and disabilities and have always made it back for the most part.


Happy Monday crew.
With my emoji face :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Swole nation! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:


Im fighting an uphill battle against age and a mild ice cream addiction. :grin:


Incredible job. Highly inspiring! :heart_eyes: :fire:


Iā€™m dying on both of those hills :sob:


Thank you!!!


Chest and tris todayā€¦ Gonna have sore boobies tomorrow. :sweat_smile: