Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

@VSue … did you make it to the gym today?
#daretoask :pray::sun_behind_small_cloud:

@Jimieg @anon79808082 @TeejLazer

Ya’ll still good?


I am just heading out for a bike ride; I am making myself cuz I’ve been so tired lately…but the funny thing is that you wrote when I was thinking how much I’d love a beer right now!:grinning::kissing: ty!
Having a few cold ones… Can’t say it’s terrible just yet!


Got sidelined with a cold. Rest yesterday and today, but hitting back and biceps tomorrow night come hell or high water.

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Not yet…still working…then got to go to Parent/Teacher Interviews…the pick up daughter at dance class…then make dinner…and THEN go to gym.

Sometimes life sucks. LOL

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My back hurts just looking at this. :flushed:

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There must be a reason then why @ that moment i was thinking about you, did you make it thrue the day allright?
And hows the feeling of going out for a good ride instead of putting toxic shit in again,

Proud at ya, and next time when you start thinking about them cold ones just shout out , it relieves and helps allready speaking of out.

With love from :netherlands:

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@VSue … Yes life will suck from time to time… but hey, thats life :wink:

@TeejLazer way to go(ku) … you will get your cells in order… 8fed1f0acc22fb20a4047e648d6afcea

@MrCade… you must have heavy eyebrows then :wink::+1:t3:

Nah, they’re normal.


Man you’re like a head game!
I’m good hun… I adore you though for caring. No one checks me.

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Don’t give me so much credit. Like I said in another text… I so appreciate you checking me. I gave in and I’m cool with it. No one checks me like you brother! :hugs::kissing_heart:

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Chest and pool day

@anon79808082 … The harder the struggle, the bigger the rise !! I just care about all good willing people in the world, youre blessed by angels guiding you, no shame , just live and gain

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:star_struck::star_struck::100::v:t3: wolverine style ,
Go go gadget eyebrows

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Have a great day!

Still going strong @050Nl :muscle: Thanks brother. Hope all is good. :pray: Next couple days gonna be rough. But will stay focused. Need to share n will later.

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You do that bro… You will not stand alone!!


365 overhand grip after killing back! Oh yeah.


Looking great there @NateRC but beware off the beard :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Jimieg @Sarge @lifeswhatyoumakeit @Desire2ChangeToday @MrCade @Mno @VSue @TMAC @TeejLazer


Little one to school, then boooom it’s on gym time! :wink::grin::muscle::joy:



@050Nl cheers for the motivation mate!

Smashed the cardio today after the weights etc yesterday, got my K’s in and feel sweaty but good :wink::sweat_drops::grin:

Bit of Andy C Drum & Bass and some heavy techno mix to accompany it all, lol! :grin:

Big ups gym crew :v::blue_heart:

30 mins on cross trainer

10 mins on sit down bicycle

10 mins on treadmill

10 mins on sit upright bicycle