Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Bought myself new runners today :partying_face::star2: am so in love witb them lol. I usually run focused primarily on pace rather than distance but today took it down a notch and tried for distance instead. Did 6km in 40 minutes and it felt really good. Think my running bug has returned - canā€™t wait to run again tomorrow!


Back at it

I started running Maps anabolic a couple weeks agoā€¦ itā€™s full body a few times a week, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever lifted full body before.

Now if only I could get my eating in checkā€¦ late night snacking kills me


Did another workout today (back and biceps and then about 30min of cardio). Havent used a preworkout in weeks and i am beginning to realize that maybe i dont really need one to have a good workout. I almost bought one today since i had the extra funds but decided against it. If i do get one in the future ill probably go back to Batch 27 or PreJym. Idk we will see lol
I reached a new check point also on my virtual Conqueror Challenge that im doing (this challenge is cardio based). I have walked 355000 meters on an incline treadmill so far. Really great for stamina :slight_smile: Just really trying to stay focused on my eating bcuz thats where i will see the results.


Another good workout in the books! Thats 4 days in a row this week :slight_smile: Today was chest and triceps with some cardio. And i actually really felt it in my chest. I usually struggle with feeling it in certain muscles (back and chest usually) but today i really focused on slower, controlled movements with the proper weight, and it worked!! Yay! I call this a win!


Got out on the water today with my sister in law. I looove waking up at 5, NOT still drunk, and watching the sunrise over the lake. Have a great day everyone! :v:t3:


Just so you know, this is a rant.

Not gonna lie, this week has been absolutely horrible in terms of how Iā€™ve treated my body.

Iā€™m trying not to judge myself too hard but I overtrained my body, I had horrible sleep on Friday and Saturday nights, unhealthy eating schedules, and lots of ordering in because I didnā€™t have time to properly prepare my meals. I feel like absolute donkey today because my energy levels are all over the place. I donā€™t feel good in my body cause Iā€™m constantly comparing myself to other people.

Im basically doing the best I can to maintain and im being so hard on myself. Im just trying to give myself some compassion and understanding. Itā€™s ok. I did what I could and yea, choices I made last week fucked up this week but I enjoyed those choices when I made them and I donā€™t make those choices everyday.

The fact that I follow all these fitness YouTubers who are selling me fear, anxiety, and insecurity doesnā€™t help either. If I see another video thumbnail of someone whose job it is to exercise and has been exercising for 5+ years with a ripped body taken by a professional photographer in a fully equipped lighting studio, I will scream. Iā€™m unfollowing them. YouTubeā€™s algorithm SUCKS

Ok Iā€™m done with that rant.


I recently saw a video on tiktok about fitness influencers. The lady had very visible abs and she explained how no one talks about genetics. She said she doesnā€™t do ab workouts but because of her genetics her abs have always shown. She went on to say I could make a routine and sell it to you but no one would get the abs she has because they donā€™t have her genetics.
Comparison is the thief of joy. Every week canā€™t be our best week. Trust me I know itā€™s hard to no compare to others but you should only compare you to you. Are you further than you were last year or the year before? If so, thatā€™s a win.
Give yourself grace and rest and get back on the horse next week.
Have a great day :blush:


The really tricky part is when you start your down hill slide in your mid 40ā€™s (like me) and you continually get a little worse each year regardless of effort :roll_eyes:


Dude, donā€™t ruin my motivational speech :joy::joy:

We are different though. You lift heavy and I feel like that is hard to sustain and continue to lift heavier each year especially as we age. This month I turn 38 :scream::scream: but I feel like my running and the weights I lift are better than last year. I also see consistency as a huge factor in the realm of improvement. I have gotten way more consistent this year vs last year.

I saw you started a whole body workout routine. How is that going?


I like itā€¦ itā€™s different. I had to humble myself though. I donā€™t bench until after squatting, lunges and deadlifts so Iā€™m pretty gassed when I get there. Itā€™s better on my old joints tho!


50 is impressive. I wish I had more discipline


I wouldnā€™t have it any other wayā€¦ regardless of physical aesthetics the gym is for my mind more than anything. I couldnā€™t imagine not being in my gym, Iā€™m probably addicted to that as well :nerd_face:

@KingA In the beginning itā€™s dedication after, a little while it becomes the way of life, if that doesnā€™t ring true for you try a different form of physical exercise :wink:.


You got me beat, I only have 44 lift days as of right now, about to be 45šŸ™‚

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Iā€™d love to have more, my age just doesnā€™t let me recover as fast as I use to. Off days are for stretching, and light band work. And btw bro youā€™re in way better shape than I amā€¦ keep after it!

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Todays workout drained me. But i think i went into it feeling sort of fatigued anyway. I did Back and Biceps and then some cardio. I do these virtual challenges to motivate me to do more cardio and the one im doing now is the Mt Kilimanjaro challenge (97.1km) I just passed the half way mark and have completed 50020 meters so far on an incline treadmill. Not bad :slight_smile: Cant wait to complete this challenge amd receive my medal. Then begin a new one. Hope everyone is doing well on their fitness goals :muscle:


Thatā€™s how I see it too.

Anytime I have been asked how I stay so disciplined, I reply that it isnā€™t. Itā€™s obligation to self.


Itā€™s prioritising and finding time. I did try and wake up at 5.30 to get to the gym this morning but Iā€™m working an hour away, work all day, work meeting and then GA meeting tonight, then an hour drive back. I could go to the gym at about 10.15pm but my ā€™ canā€™t be arsed buttonā€™ normally ends up winning out.

Silly thing is when Iā€™m there and doing it is great


You gotta plan in when you actually can go and then make it a priority. If you have a 14hr day already, really no point in expecting yourself to make it to the gym and then beating yourself up when you donā€™t. Manage your expectations. Frustration kills motivation.
On days where you canā€™t manage the gym but donā€™t wanna do nothing: stretch. Yoga. Run around the block for 15 min. Or: rest day. All very important aswell.

You donā€™t have to hit the gym six days a week to make relevant progress. (I mean that. Not talking down to you.) It needs consistency and decidation when you do lift and a rough plan of where youā€™re going (like a programm/split/weekly plan + tracking your progress). Plus obvs food + rest (sorry if Iā€™m stating the obvs).

That said guys, youse got me counting too:
I got 61 lifting days in 2023 (I only work part time tho and have no human children).

  • Of which only 9 in the last four weeks cos it was land submerged in the old brain. :black_large_square:
  • Of which 25 leg days. ā†’ Of which 1 is gonna happen right now. :star2:

My stance on the old discipline vs motivation debate is exactly like Danā€™s:

Itā€™s nice to be hot and Iā€™m as vain as they come. But itā€™s more nice to not wanna off myself and descend into mind disintegration which is what lifting helps me ward off. Thank you, HP, for bodies and the laws of physics.

have a strong day, friends! :sparkles: :boar:


Damnā€¦ somebodyā€™s really putting in work :muscle:. Keep that mind healthy and keep getting after it :slightly_smiling_face:


I wanna play lol

This is where Iā€™m at for the year. This month not included. Monthly goals are 40 running miles, 20 walking miles and 3 weight lifting per week (those are the CG virtuals)