Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Thats a thing of beauty. The benches at my gym are way to narrow, Iā€™ll have to convince the owner to invest in one of these

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Workout has been inconsistent due to family issues. But I hit a 215lb Overhead Press last weekend. Happy to finally press more than my bodyweight.


Stupid Advice part 1ā€¦ā€¦

Donā€™t tear your quad and groinā€¦.it hurts like mad!

8 weeks out from competition and Iā€™m missing 6 of them because I chose to kick a ball with my 11 yr old and my quad and groin though it would be a good idea to rip apart!

It does look nice and colourful tho!


Oh no thatā€™s awful! You were making such excellent progress!

Any idea on what the preconditions are for this to have happened? Doesnā€™t seem likely kicking the ball would do that to a fit guy like you.

Sorry to hear man.


At least you injured it doing something meaningful, I canā€™t think of a better way to get hurt than paying with my kids :slightly_smiling_face:. Rest up, youā€™ll be back before you know it


Honestly Iā€™d pushed myself hard doing some plyometric exercise earlier in the morning but my legs felt good, there was no pain or discomfort just a little muscle fatigue. I honestly think I was trying to hit it too hard and I was trying a different method of my shooting technique to drive more air movement through the ball to make it bend and dip more but it actually tore as I accelerated the straightening of kicking leg down towards and through the ball, it had already gone by the time I hit it - what a shot it was though, I just wish I hadnā€™t been rolling on the floor in agony to see it fly in.


Absolutely 100% agree. The pain is worth it just to spend some quality time with them!

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Iā€™m back in the game guys, first kettlebell workout done after hurting my back :muscle:
I did a looong warmup and took a lot of care in staying absolutely stable in the core.
Made it! No pain!
Except tomorrow and Wednesday, Iā€™ll feel the burn for sure hahahaā¤ļøā€šŸ”„
My hands got weak uuuh, have to be careful next time.


So this is 45 :face_with_monocle:. Last year on my 44th birthday i maxed out benching 310 poundsā€¦ Today at 45 years old I maxed out at 255 :face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye:. I havenā€™t trained heavy over the past year really and I feel overall better for it. I always had in my mind that i still wanted a 315 bench at 50 years old so maybe Iā€™ll change my training style in a couple of more years.


So is today your birthday? Happy birthday if so bro. Itā€™s achievable for you man. I met a 56 year old who was benching 405 the other day at the gym. Dude was a beast lol


Happy birthday!!! :confetti_ball::partying_face::confetti_ball::partying_face::confetti_ball::partying_face:

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Is today your birthday?
The only limits in life are the ones we set.
You can surely be benching 315 by 50 if that is your goal.
Btwā€¦id say that 255 without heavy training os pretty impressive


It sure is, Iā€™ll start dialing in for it around 48ish maybe. Thanks bro.

@Runningfree thank you :blush:

@JazzyS thank you, I always lifted lower rep heavier weight until i hit 44. This past year Iā€™ve just been experimenting with different stuff. My biggest weakness is and always has been the fork :laughing:


Well a very happy birthday to you Dan! Hope you do something to celebrate it.
:sweat_smile: (the fork) slow and steady - youll reach your goals.



Happy birthday. :muscle::muscle:


Happy Birthday Dan! As a fellow night shift worker who goes for the numbers and the mental health rather than the physique alone I feel youā€™re a kindred spirit and Iā€™m grateful youā€™re here! I say if you overall feel better, thatā€™s a good achievement. And I also say that sticking with it and showing up is whatā€™s most inspiring and most important! Real talk, not bullshitting.

Ice cream today, yes? :ice_cream::balloon::weight_lifting_man:


Oh i had a little too much ice cream on my camping vacation :laughing:! Iā€™m eating stuff I love though :slightly_smiling_face:. Thank you much and I appreciate you!


Happy birthday!! Seeing as I bench like 50 lbs Iā€™m p impressed :rofl::rofl:


Thank you. 50 is goodšŸ™‚


50lb isnā€™t too shabby! :clap::wink: