Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

I love looking back at the month. I have weekly goals and a yearly goal that Iā€™m working towards. So far this year I have ran 323.4 miles, walked the dogs 147.1 miles and have done 88 strength workouts. Feeling accomplished today!


Keeping it nice and light on incline bench today. Went up to 225 on bench then worked down to boring sets or 145, ten reps for 5 sets. 5 sets of flat bench dumbbell, 5 sets of incline dumbbell, and 5 sets or incline bench. The did some accessories, dips. Cable flys.


First workout in about 6 weeks since shoulder injury. Started a PPL. Tonight was push, went light but as of right now the shoulder held up nice. Iā€™ll add weight incrementally each workout and see how it feels. Tomorrow is Pull, and than the dreaded leg day before a day rest. :muscle:


Iā€™ve been lifting but with no real goals other than getting my lifts in. Not really sure what or where my lifting is gonna go from hereā€¦ Iā€™ll have more time when summer is over. Keep after it everyone


How did you make out with that maps anabolic program. Was it any good, or was it to time consuming to follow with long work days and all?

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It was a lot on work daysā€¦ If I had a desk job without a long commute Iā€™d love it.


Yeah thatā€™s me too. 8-16 hours outside in the elements with a hour drive each way. Itā€™s hard to be able to dedicate that much time without burning out.


Iā€™m gonna keep the PPL to 30- 45 minute sessions 3-5 days a week if I can. And see where Iā€™m at when work slows a little bit


@Dan531 At least @anon53116147 seems to be crushing it in the gym. And @Faugxh Iā€™m sure :muscle:


I know right! I pulled 315 on deadlifts the other day and that shit felt heavy :sleepy: did sets of 7ā€¦

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Thatā€™s because I have no life ATM lol nothing but free time, so may as well spend it in the gym :rofl:


I agree and I take rest periods often. Recently ten days. Came as a full stop after a long period of progress. The body just refused to do any more work.
It was more the actual regressing of numbers with individual, usually strong exercises that surprised me. Do you get this, too?

Last week I had a wobble coming out of a squat cos I wasnā€™t focused and rushing around and I got really scared. I made myself finish up my sets but I think itā€™ll take a while to get over the fear. I think I will have to deload and take some form videos for a while. Never done that so far. Iā€™ve taken a few to celebrate PBs on the DL but the horrendous noises my knees make are too depressing.
Did you guys ever have a scary situation?
I also randomly came across a video where Greg Doucette talks on a guy who died squatting. He couldnā€™t get up with too heavy weight. Itā€™s called ego lifting. Greg didnā€™t show the graphic parts of the squat and I didnt Google it but I think his spine broke. I watch Gregā€™s vids to calm down after work nights. This one didnā€™t do that.

Such are my musings today. Otherwise I am indeed crushing it, as @Jasty2 sais, on my moderate scale. My trainings arenā€™t super long or super hard, I train heavy and short. Iā€™m always worried that ppl w gym access have better workouts compared to me w only my bars and plates at home, and that maybe I know nothing since Iā€™m doing it all by myself. I am trying to have a more rounded workout, add some lighter exercises along w the big ones, trying to build up to more pull-ups (could do five, with legs in front of me only three), trying to think what will happen when I got to commute to writing school in October. I think Iā€™ll have to train less. I would also really like to be able to put my strenght into some kind of martial art or self defense, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll have time for that at all which sucks.

Today Iā€™m going to a spinning class in the spirit of being more social. Iā€™ve never been. Iā€™m planning to ace it cos I love cycling fast v much. They play techno music with that over here. Makes me wanna put on some glitter. Iā€™m going to wear my good leggings I never wear lifting at home. :slight_smile:


I watched that video of the guy who didnā€™t make itā€¦ it was not good.


Spinning class is so fun!!! Itā€™s a burn!! Iā€™ve tried a bunch of different classes and that was one of my favorite.
Ps- put on the glitter :crazy_face:


Still no goal other than hitting the big 4 main lifts each weekā€¦ I throw accessory lifts in also. We donā€™t always have to have a clear destination as long as we know the general direction to keep moving.

Keep moving!


I love your art work on your wall! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Not a selfie and not my dog, but I thought deserving of an honorable mention.


Hello you beautiful people!
I have a question to ask:
I have a new trainer and although i really like him and the exercises I am training for muscle hypertrophy and the program is: lower body - full body - cardio - upper body - full body.
Itā€™s my second week and my shoulders and back are in terrible pain, it does not seem to be just a bit of soreness.
I think iā€™d be much better off with a 5 - day split (that is what i wanted to do but i was afraid telling him that would feel like I am trying to tell him what to do).
What do you think?

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I personally donā€™t like his split but Iā€™m no trainerā€¦ i think you be better off going upper, lower, rest, upper, lower, rest, rest or full body 3xā€™s a week. I would also replace cardio with a brisk walk each day. Just my opinion though. Best wishes to you


I am no trainer either, and I like Danā€™s plan too. However, I would maybe give it a little bit more time.

Have you told him you are experiencing pain? I would let him now. If you show him exactly where the pain is, he should be able to make some adjustments.

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