Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness šŸ”„ (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

Hello, just wondering what app you use please? Thanks

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Hey itā€™s a free website called Enjoy. :fire:

@Jasty2 looking good Joe! Injuries suck ass but thereā€™s always something you can do, right! Extra kudos for the time of day, crazy good!


Iā€™ve never taken a pre-workout before, but a buddy of mine gave me a couple of tubs of

I took it when I got home from work and just smashed an hour and a half long, legs and back workout, so Iā€™ll probably try and take it a few times a week and see how I feel on it. Has anybody else ever tried this one or another for any length of time?


Yes, itā€™ll lose effectiveness if you use it too often. I would reserve it for the hard, heavy days.

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Iā€™ve tried it but I wasnā€™t a fan, not that brand but a different one. Niacin makes me red and so itchy. I just stay away now

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I got a little flush and slight itchy feeling. But other than that, it got the job done, cause I was tired when I first got home from work today. I might try a few other ones at some point, cause I have no frame of reference. Like @Dan531 said Iā€™ll only use it when I have one of them really rough days, but still wanna get a good workout in.


I use pre a lot. My favorites are Mesomorph, Pump N Grind, and Torched. If you need links to good supplement sites let me know!


Sounds good thanks :+1:

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What site do you usually get your whey from. I been using the optimum nutrition, and usually just look around for sales

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Home workouts only.


Dangā€¦ youā€™re all making me realize i gotta get my shit back together. I donā€™t see very many unhappy faces in this threadā€¦ coincidence??? I think not.


I use Their Machine Whey is really good quality. For deals check out They have crazy sales. Just watch the description for expiration dates on their products.


Thanks, I picked up a 5lb tub of Nutrex Whey for about $35. So a lot cheaper. Expiration is April, which itā€™ll be gone by. :v:


lol I like the second websites name


LMAO right. Thatā€™s right where I belong. :rofl:


Honestly the name is the only reason I clicked on the website the first time :rofl: ā€œThis place gets me.ā€


For the ppl here w good experiences w it - how do yā€™all think pre-workout feels different from just caffeine+sugar+creatine which is what Iā€™m doing?


Wow wow wow wow :muscle:t3:

Thatā€™s motivating!

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Do you lift weights or just purely body weight exercises?

For me it was just the amount of energy I got in such a short amount of time. Sometimes when I have a really physical work day, I feel like I gotta drag myself to gym and through the workout. I felt like I pushed pretty hard through this one and wasnā€™t feeling as fatigued during it. I drink coffee through our the day but it never really peps me up the way this did. Do you notice a difference when taking creatine and not? I take it because the science behind it is so good But when I stop taking it for a while I donā€™t seem to notice much of a difference

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