Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind) (Part 1)

I might invest in some then. I’m the same as you, often really exhausted even before training from being on my feet all day and night.

No, never noticed an effect from creatine. Taking it as it seems stupid not to tho.

Yeah! Maybe there’s a wee sesh in store for you in AZ, who knows right! :wink:

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Ok. If you do end up getting it , let us know if you noticed a big difference or not

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It gets me in a more focused headspace and i can maintain a high level of intensity longer. Just know not all pre workouts are the same! Some are just filled with caffeine and make you jittery and then some just do nothing so it’s a lot of trial and error to see what works best for you.


Workin on that Ninja Turtle back! Solid workout. Now FOOD


I do loads of cardio (running and cycling) and once a week 30mins HIIT (with ‘Growingananas’ on YouTube) and once a week sit ups and lifting 2.5kg each arm. It takes me like 25mins to do the workout.
I don’t do much but I now control my protein intake and I eat only from 8am until 6pm. So far anything, but I want to cut on sugars (maybe from next year).


It’s heavy bag cardio night guys. I love this one. :call_me_hand:


Weights, squats and row machine this morning. Tomorrow i hit 30 days sober. I didn’t plan it but what a way to celebrate Christmas. Merry Christmas guys!


Great way to spend a Sunday in December. :muscle::muscle:. And Merry Xmas to you


Newest addition to my weights. The hubs listened :exploding_head: I mentioned I wanted one a while back and he got it for Christmas


Back in the dungeon for a Friday evening workout. The shoulder I had repaired has really been bugging me the last couple weeks, and I have a very small hairline fracture in my wrist that I’m trying to work around, but this is still where I’m at my happiest. Even if I don’t always look it. :grin:. Happy Friday night guys. :love_you_gesture:


I have a couple of ways I track my fitness stuff but at the end of the month I add it up and write it down. I’m looking back at this past year and feeling proud of the work I have put in.


I feel you’ve done enough running to cover me also.
Great work!
Keep it up in 2024, I could really use it.


I got you :running_woman:t2::muscle: Give me a year and I’ll come back with a total :wink:


I second this @Runningfree :grin:. I don’t think I’d run if something was trying to kill me. I would run to save my family (most days) but that’s about it.


Apparently, you are kicking ass and taking down names! Fantastic achievement for 2023!


Started back at the gym today! One of my goals this year is to lose 15 pounds. I’m not super out of shape or anything I just want to be better as I prepare to hit one year sober in a few days. I used to be pretty big into CrossFit. I trained others and even ran my own gym program. But, it led me down a pretty dark path mentally. It actually encouraged my drinking because I was in such good shape I felt entitled to do what I wanted on the weekends. I put my barbell down about 4 years ago and walked away from it.

I decided to incorporate it back into my routine. I don’t intend to compete ever again or join a CrossFit gym. But, it was a good tool for health and I enjoyed working hard and competing against myself. I particularly enjoyed Olympic lifting and gymnastics movements. I did my first workout today and God I am sore lol I’m not 24 anymore to say the least. But my body responded fairly well and I feel good about just training by myself and getting back in peak shape!


Day two of dieting and my body has responded really well. I feel full and leaner after a day and am excited to keep up with my routine and diet. Last night I had some cravings but I stayed within the bounds of the diet and realized I hadn’t eaten lunch :joy: so I made myself a nice sized snack and slept like a rock and woke up feeling refreshed.

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Built a squat rack last night, can probably use it for military presses too, we’ll see


I love this and saved it. Motivation is very fleeting! The times I was most active at my best in my life it was because of “I do this because this is who I am”.


Reminds me of the first one I built, nice job.

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