Gym selfies, weightlifting & fitness 🔥 (TW gym attire. Keep rules #6 and #7 in mind)

Day 12 done.

  • Did 3 rounds of July Challenge
    (3x 9 pushups, 26 crunches, 30 weighted squats)
  • 3 x 300 skips
  • 20 min incline run

Have been exhausted and in a slump emotionally this week but trying to push through, I’d be alot worse off without the exercise…


Leg day done :white_check_mark:


Big day today! 80 days sober! Celebrating with a 430am gym sesh! Today’s workout is my favorite of all! Arm and shoulder day!!! Stay motivated and as always one day at a time!!!


Hit a pb of 345lb for squats! Only goes up from here!!! I would have never pushed myself as hard as I am now while I was drinking!


Hill training run for a relay in NC this fall! Contrary to popular belief, you CAN find hills in Florida :rofl:

LOL at all the gnats stuck to my neck…

btw ladies: I carry this alarm with me whenever I run alone - lightweight and loud AF!


Friday challenges done!
Dqy 15 of July Challenge (10 push-ups, 30 crunches, 34 (weighted) squats) :white_check_mark:

Friday Death by Burpee Challenge done :white_check_mark:
Finished 13 in the 13th minute which is one minute up on last week. Total of 91 burpees :flushed::partying_face:

If anyone is keen or crazy enough to want to join, here is the thread link :grin:


My workout yesterday

Loaded all of this shit in a uhaul (90 bags of concrete 60 pounds each) 31 6x8 fence panels, 32 8’ 4x4 for fence post and a shit ton of treated lumber the heavist was a 16’ 6x6) AND then i got to unload it at my house

I miss my gym lol :laughing:


I’m back in business! Just busted out a great 30 minute full body workout and feeling my spirits lifted as heck honestly.
Remembering where I’ve been and where I am right now, doing the stuff even when I’m down. Had a moment but here it is


Busted out a good 20 minutes of full body workout! Didn’t write it out bc last minute & late but still feels good to stick with it and do the thing honestly


Day 16 of my July Challenge.
Added my own exercises to the daily tasks to create a circuit. Probably should have done 3 rounds but it’s Saturday night here and I’m tired lol.


Leg day today
Haven’t done this in a while
Working my way to more weight


Easing my body back into stuff with a short run and a virtual this morning :blush: man, I missed my workout endorphins


Monday - Did upper body today. Already feeling sore in my arms. Getting abit better feeling back muscles when I do exercises so that’s good. My dumbbell weights have also increased overtime. Sometimes I surprise myself haha it’s a good sign I guess. Tmrw is cardio and I’m looking forward to that! :muscle:


Still keeping committed to my July Challenge.

  • Sunday was my rest day.
  • Yesterday (Monday) I did the circuit from Saturday as I enjoyed it so much.
  • Today (Tuesday 19th) I did a 30 min run, 500 skips and 2 x rounds of 11 push ups, 38 crunches and 40 weighted squats (July daily challenge).

Physically feeling ok, but mentally I’m going through a really sad and flat phase… trying my hardest to push through and fake it until I make it. Really hoping it passes soon as its a shitty way to be feeling…


I’m sorry you are feeling sad. :cry:

Those leggings are fire :heart_eyes:

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Thank you, they’re my favs because I like leggings to go just below my knee.

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Staying physically active will not make your emotional funk any worse. That’s where the thinking leg of the thoughts/feelings/actions is important. You can decide to act even when you don’t feel like acting. Good for you!


A little 5k before work today


Exactly, 100% agree!
For me, moving my body, above all else, is for my mental health. The physical benefits really are a bonus. Exercise literally keeps me sane and it’s so important to push myself on the days I least want to do it.
Very similar to how I handle recovery and sobriety - I’ve never woken up and regrettednot drinking the night before… I’ve never finished a workout and regretted doing it. Well :thinking: except the death by burpee challenge… that one is in a league of its own :joy:


Day 86 of sobriety and it was back Day! Had a PB of 365lb! I’m now deadlifting more then I squat! Pushing myself harder everyday to go heavier and keep my mind on the path of this new found clarity! Stay motivated and as always one day at a time!