So, I had completed my 2 months off as I wanted. Last night I was with some friends and I decided to have a drink, as a test. I know that if I end up back where I was I will have to stop forever, so it was scary to have a drink. For most of the night I didn’t have anything, then we shared a bottle of sparkling wine between 3 of us. I actually didn’t enjoy the taste and I said no to a top up! I really think I have gained my control back, I have no desire to drink again and if I do I’m pretty sure it will be on my terms. Fingers crossed, anyway!
Haha, yes I guess I’m not 100% convinced, because I have always drunk. But I remember quitting smoking and I just couldn’t believe that I could, and then I did it.
Good job alex!
Honestly I know exactly what you mean, I hit my 100 day goal and more and had one drink on my birthday and that was it. I had a drink yesterday as well but it was 1 as well. I guess in a way I am testing myself. It really didnt taste all that great and I got one that I remember being my favorite because it was a raspberry wine or mead whichever it was. My taste buds might be changing, for the better.
I didnt have any desire to have another one and I am still continuing the other healthy habits Ive developed.
I want to know that while yes I can have it, I choose not to. I know its a slippery slope so only time will tell.
I agree, I would prefer to live the rest of my life saying I prefer not to have a drink, rather than ‘i can’t because I’ll lose control’
I agree with that I think for each person it is different and also depending on where we are at in our lives and our mind. If I would have tried to stop 3 yrs ago it could be much much worse.
I hope everything stays positive for you, let us know how it goes.
Good for you. Glad it ended ok. What happens in future if u decides one more and One is not enough… Just concerned thats an red flag for me … thats addiction … sorry just concerned
@Cobaltchris that could very well happen, and is a great question. All we can do is create a life full of self awareness. I dont know where my journey is going but I know I want to try the 100 days again, and I dont want to get to the point where I am desperate for that. I know I am not perfect and I havent perfected sobriety yet but I want to.
None are perfect thats how it is to be human do what you think its best for you . Always