Had a rubbish week :-(

Was doing good but then I’ve drunk a few times this week…i seem to tell myself ‘reasons’ why it’s ok but i keep being in a loop although I do feel I’m doing 10 times better since joining this app (not meaning to be cheesy lol) but I always thought I had to deal with it alone and had no one to talk to…in the past I wouldn’t care drinking everyday and keeping it to myself but with the support I get here it makes me wanna stop even more than I originally did before


Stay strong! Eye on the prize!! Life is so much better when we aren’t blacking out. When we aren’t sick and tired every morning. You got this!!


Not great :frowning:

What are the reasons you keep telling yourself? It’s an easy habit to justify a drink… trouble is you feel like you’ve let yourself down in the morning! Try stay strong pal :muscle:t2:

Try taking your mind off your urges when you feel them coming on… be creative… all the best, and merry Christmas all🎄


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been black out drunk, and someone was trying to get hold of me. Many times that person was myself trying to break the cycle. Doing the same thing day in and day out makes us get stuck! Try doing something different. Maybe even a meeting?

Many of us have been there, we know the feeling of hopelessness and the can’t that drinking puts on your mind. You can and you must do this!


You can do it!!
Msg me if you need. You are doing better, just by being on here. You are doing better. Just try harder next time not to drink.


Keep talking to us! The power of one alcoholic talking to another can help guide you through. Make a pack to text us first before the next drink. We all know your pain well and understand what its like to try and clean up. Its a bitch and the early days the hardest due to all the erratic emotions and physical cravings. You will see after 30 days things become more natural. Easier to keep going. Try something new rather then curing the pain with liquid. I know despair calls you back to the bottle but there is a way up and out we are all proof. Keep your head up.

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