Had to restart my counter

My issue isn’t drinking too often, it’s not knowing when to stop when I do. I’d done a full month without. Decided I deserved a day off for my birthday. I managed to keep it to a sensible amount for a change but I honestly think I’m preferring life without. Back down to five days but still managing to stay consistent with the healthier lifestyle.


Welcome back to it!

I had those thoughts. I did it several times myself before enough was enough.

“Man, life has been so good without drinking. Maybe I’ll reward myself by… drinking.”

Looking back it sounds ridiculous now. But there it is. No doubts, no worries, easy sailing if I just don’t drink today.


That’s it, I’m more active, I’m happier, my anxiety is so much more manageable. All that I really gain from having a drink is the ability to disassociate.


Mmm this is going to worry me too !I know it won’t be long before I’m longing to disassociate with a drink or drug ….we must find another way bud , Sorry I can’t offer any help I’m only two days sober but thanks for your honesty it helps all of us including you . Good luck with the rest of your week


Cheers mate, every journey starts with one step as they say, no matter how long it is and you might stumble but as long as you get back up, brush yourself off and keep on going you’ll reach your destination I suppose. Good luck!!