Halloween... 2023

I know its a little early but… one of my NA meetings is replacing our typical meeting time with a mini speaker jam Halloween costume party. Any suggestions on something witty and fun, or super spooky. I spent too many years on the streets where everyday seemed like Halloween and I was looking like the walking dead. I’m excited to get to dress up for the first time for my own Clean Halloween. Let me know what you suggest or show me what you’ve dressed up as. Love you all and thank you.


It’s that time of year again! We go Halloween shopping for costumes for my 8 year old son. (This year he wants to be Michael Meyers) My husband asked me “What is your costume this year”? (I’m not the Halloween costume kinda girl) So, thinking :thinking:. I have an AA meeting on Halloween, plus it’s “Sober October”, (Every day is Sober, really) and I just said "I am going to be sober. (Basically) He comes home yesterday with this shirt and says I can wear this for Halloween.
I am laughing, but really thinking can I wear this shirt to an AA meeting or wear it for trick or treating? Any thoughts or suggestions please (would be a decision maker)

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Go as Bill Wilson or Dr Bob.

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My birthday is on Halloween and i dont normally get dressed up for it actually :thinking:, i usually wear something black and “witchy” though…
My daughter (shes almost 9) on the other hand LOVES getting dressed up. She was a Ghostbuster last year, this year she still deciding between a spooky china doll or a zombie florence nightingale. :ghost:


I like your daughter’s style!! My grandson went as Peter Venkman a few years ago (he is obviously also a Ghostbusters fan!).

We used to host over the top Halloween parties for years…all dry ice, witchy music and crazy costumes. One of my favorites was when I was a zombie bride. I picked up an old wedding dress at the thrift and ripped it a bit and buried it in a muddy patch for a few nights. Plus make up and blood, twigs and leaves in my hair. Was pretty epic. Our friends had some incredible costumes over the years. It was a long time ago, just did the math…almost 30 years ago we were having those parties! Damn.
