Happy Fathers Day My first day starts today

Hey guys nice to meet you all ! My name is Javier and I’ve decided to join this community to better myself and also help others today is my first day sober I decided to quit after a walk with my family from the boardwalk this fathers day evening (HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL THE DADS ) Iam choosing to quit Tobacco and Alcohol I have tried a bit of times and have relapsed in the past but I became a dad to 2 beautiful kids 2 years ago and today it hit me hard and I realized I need to do this for them for myself cheers to everyone in recovery :pray:


Welcome Javier! Glad u found us!! :slight_smile:
Sounds like you have alot of motivation to quit. My son was also a huge motivator for me to stay clean. Of course we have to ultimately do this for ourselves, but our families can definitly be motivation as well. Theres a check in thread if u want to check in daily. Even at over 2 years clean, i still check in once or twice a day to hold myself accountable :slight_smile:


Hello and welcome, glad you’ve made the right choice. Stick with it and you’ll be amazed in no time of what life is like for you and everyone you are ever going to meet, once those chains of addiction no longer hold you back the possibilities are endless.
Wish you well on your journey :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome Javier. Stay strong. You got this!


Hi Javier welcome!
This app has helped me a lot to become and stay sober. Addicted to alcohol as well.
Have you see the thread What’s your plan?

It gives you information about how to start and the stages in recovery. Maybe you are interested to read it.
The daily check in thread @Butterflymoonwoman mentioned you find here:

We all will welcome you there!

See you around! :raising_hand_woman: