Happy Friday!

Well todays friday and yesterday everyone wanted to buy alcohol knowing they had work today. Well this morning showed me how glad i am not to drink. One was hung over so bad he was only there physically. The other was stressin at life and wanting to drink at 7am. Smh … it was a good day for me i got to poke fun and got my laughs in for the day…they pick on me for not drinkin but i feel better not stooping to that level. I feel some think that alcohol is an acceptable addiction because its legal but its not… i hope everyone else is having a great sober friday!


Only legal cause the government want their tax money!

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Glad you had a good day though and were feeling good. Happy Friday to you! :slight_smile:

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Keep on doing what you doing , because it works :clap::clap::muscle::muscle::muscle: yes to Sobrierty :rofl::rofl::rofl:


The hungover one wanted to go to the bar tonite. i told him he should go to an aa meeting… but im sure that aint happening …haha :grin:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::+1::+1: thats hillariuose snap sorry if i typed that wrong. But funny as ever !!

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Well done for staying sober. The crabs in a bucket post helped me before ill try find it.
I went out today and for a meal and didn’t drink. Happy with that

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Having a great Friday, thank you for asking! :rofl: Got my 30-day coin (again… I had just over 1 year before I messed up), going to another meeting now. :sunglasses: And, I graduated from my OP group today. Good day all around!