Happy Holidays?

Happy Holidays everyone! They may not be so happy for some right now. That is okay. I remember the first New Year’s Day without my dad (01/01 was his birthday). So, my greeting isn’t an invalidation or a mindless quote, it is an invitation to hold on to hope: happy days will come again, if you do not feel them today.
Like the Miracle of the lights, a little hope can light many dark nights. Like the Child born in a manger, God does not forget the poor…Yule reminds us that life is coming back into the world, let not the cold discourage us.

For those that are struggling today: I love you, I see you, and I accept you. Hold on to hope, love, and faith… do not wish away a moment because it is painful. Hold your head up and greet it like the warrior you are.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Merry Christmas 2020 (post your greetings here!) :gift: