Happy medium

My heads fucked, should I stop drinking? I enjoy drinking. But when I drink, I drink way to much. I think about drinking everyday. I’ve had liver problems in the past. Nothing to serious, but im worried if I keep drinking it will become worse. I can’t control it. I get anxious when I think about drinking i have breathing problems as a result. But when I drink it gets better. I’ve tried to find a happy medium by drinking occasionally but I can’t. I drink nearly everyday, but I feel I should stop. I want to stop. Can anyone help?


In the end only u can decide. But u joined a sobriety app, so one part of you is deciding, yes, u should stop drinking. From ur post, u say u like drinking, but u drink too much, think about it everyday, can’t breathe without it. That is a lot of mental energy taken up by booze. And the liver problems are not something to be taken lightly. Have u made a list of the negative things alcohol does to ur life? On youtube there are lots of videos about how to quit and what a fake friend alcohol is. In the beginning. Good luck.


Tks for your reply, I feel I need to do something about my drinking. Its good to talk to someone. And yeah I guess it is a fake friend. I will look on YouTube. Many tks.


To be honest, I didn’t want to quit for a long time, but I knew I had to. Like you, I enjoyed it, that is, until I didn’t.

Alcoholism is a progressive chronic disease. That means it gets worse over time and its not curable. The only way to stop its progress is to quit and stay quit.

Try being sober for a month and see how you feel and go from there. That might help find some answers you seek.


I cant control my drinking either but it sure did control me, look at it as a mental prison, if you could youd get out but we decide to stay in the confinement until its absolutely necessary to get out or die. When you come to the realization of how bad your drinking is maybe then youll take the steps to seek help and acquire the tools to break from the chains. This is a great first step wonderful people here to offer suggestions and encouragement to help you on your way. Take it easy and be well, read here to help you find your happy medium. Stick around you deserve what a sober life has to offer!:grinning::+1:


Come back and talk to us anytime. I enjoyed content by Annie Grace in the beginning. Maybe others will have other recommendations.


Tks, this has been a real eye opener.


Tks for your words, they make alot of sense to me.

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Welcome and yes is the answer to your question, we can help you bc you’ve done the hardest part and reached out to help yourself. There’s no easy and quick way to do this but by reading posts on here you’ll see it can be done and how. You are not alone anymore and we all know exactly how you feel, your nothing special BTW, your not different, your just another addict like the rest of us and that’s why you do what we do bc people on here have payed the price and earnt the experience of recovery and are happy to give it all to you. So next time you want to pick up a drink pick up your phone instead. I wish you well on your journey.


Hows this sound ive been in trouble with the law convicted of felonies but nothing too serious. So i go to AA to keep me on track keep my spiritual growth developing, thats what helps for me keep me out the bottle.&felonies and liver problems are serious matters just part of the affects that drinking can have.


Yes you should stop drinking. All this shit you describe will go away and you’'ll have the energy the clarity the will and the pleasure of focussing on YOU, on YOUR LIFE instead of being preoccupied with how you can continue to fit drinking in. Which does nothing for you. It only hinders your life in every way.
We have all enjoyed drinking. Not a single one of us here drank because we didn’t love it. But you’ve begun to hate it, too, that’s obvs from your words. Save yourself a few years, heartaches, broken relationships, accidents, missed opportunities by putting off recovery. Invest in you. NOW.

welcome here. :hugs:


We can help you stay sober. But you are the one, the only one, who can stop your drinking. Make the choice, take the action, and things will change. They will get better.


If you have the desire and make the effort your life can change maybe try ameeting they help wish you well


Sounds like you need to stop drinking.

Abstinence is the only way

If you’re on a recovery forum asking for advice then you’ve probably got a drinking problem

Lots of stuff to read here, I’d suggest having a good read

And great to meet you :blush:


The answer to your question is already in you, you know the answer you’ve just got to take action.


When I decided to quit, that was it. The decision was made. I said no after that. I always took my own AF (alcohol free) drinks wherever I went and made sure I would have AF beverages. You can do this. Just make this one decision and you don’t have to do it again.


I feel you. It is so difficult to quit. But there is hope in joining a community that will support you.

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Have you ever tried an Aa meeting ? They can be very powerful and motivating to help you become sober.

There are online zoom AA meetings where you can just listen with your camera off in the background.

You should give it a try especially when you start your day1, or your 1 hour then 2 hours … because it really does work for lots of people, as well as this community here - i feel like everyone is holding my hand and understands and that really makes a big difference.
your not alone we are all here for you.

Good luck and read through lots of posts here and keep posting there is lots to read that will benefit you and help your recovery.

I hope you stick with us, together we are stronger.

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