Happy to be clean 5 days

I’m celebrating 5 days sober!!! :smiley:


Well done Vivian. Hope you are starting to feel good. Have a plan for the weekend, it helps. Stay strong and keep reading. :muscle:

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5 days is awesome! Keep going!

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That’s awesome !! Keep going!

What strategies are working for you? Do you have access to lots of information on how this sobriety and recovery actually works for people?

Do you have a plan for the weekend and for the coming weeks?

Keep checking in to this community and so much of what you will need is here for you.

Keep up the good work! It is real work and it is definitely worth it.

Have a great day!

Welcome Vivian and congrats on 5 days! :tada:

Good job on 5 days sober. Stay sober today. Welcome to the community who will be with you on your sober journey.

Keep the power going!!!

Reading all the topics on this forum is the best resource ever, keep going!!

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Well done
Keep going :pray:

I’m happy for you :heart:

Nice job! One day at a time friend you are doing exactly what is right for you!

And at 6 days today?
Congratulations! :tada: