Hard to stay clean

Hi I’m addicted to snorting cocaine. I don’t do it everyday but I been doing for years. I tell my husband I want to get clean and I try everyday. He told me that’s because I’m trying to clean that don’t mean he have to stop. Everyday I try to figure out how will I leave. Nothing is keeping us together but our child. I told him I can not stay clean if I stay with him. I relapse so much because of him an myself for not being strong enough.


It’s hard going , but you can do it, stay on here, both work at it together

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Hey Lulu - how are you doing?

I know it’s hard to try and give up our addictions when our loved ones don’t see us having a problem.

How did your husband react to this? I do not know your home life - would it be feasible for you to branch out on your own?

Are you able to attend a NA meeting? finding support and possibly a sponsor might be helpful for you to gain strength and accountability.

Grateful to have you here with us love - please stick around… loads of love and support in this community. Much love :heart: