Have a Crepe-tastic Day!

Waking up fresh and creating delicious concoctions for my kids (and, yes, myself :slightly_smiling_face:) is the best!

For tomorrow, to kick off 2020, I plan on making homemade cinnamon rolls. It’ll be interesting to see how this experiment goes…

For New Year’s eve, I plan on seeing a long time friend this afternoon (she is from Norway, currently visiting her husband’s family on the west coast of the U.S.) for coffee this afternoon. I do need to log in a bit for work, but that shouldn’t take more than a couple hours. I also plan on taking my hour long jog/walk.

Tonight will be an easy night, perhaps some Netflix, but really all I want to do is read “Isolde”, by Irina Odoevtseva. Originally published in Russian during the 1920’s, it was received as scandalous because of the outward depictions of teen sexuality. Likely I will be in bed by 9pm, but that is how I like it. :grin:

Have a safe and sober New Year’s! Nothing feels better than greeting the New Year’s full of a positive outlook and a clear head.


Mmmhmm crepes. The delicious cousin of pie and sworn enemy of stupid cake.