Have I become unified?

Everyone has two personalities, a good and a bad. We are all dual personalities to some extent. When we were drinking or drugging, the bad personality was in control. We did things when we were high that we would never do when we were clean. When we sober up, we are different people. Then we wonder how we could have done the things we did. But we drink and drug again, and again our bad side comes out. So we are back and forth, always in conflict with our other selves, always in a rut. This division of our selves is not good; we must somehow become unified. We can become unified with our split personalities by giving ourselves wholeheartedly to the 12 Steps and to recovery. Have I become unified?

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It’s great you’ve found your way, interpreting the mind, the self and how it operates is key to walking the path of healing. To become unified the first step is believing! It’s always such a personal thing.

Personally I’m not sure everyone has only 2 selves. Also I’m not sure these different selves are seperate in any way. I’d say most people have various aspects within the self, some we prefer to keep hidden, such as when we have negative views about someone else, we’d generally hide that just to keep the peace, or we might have a side to us that is dark, morbid or obsessive but we suppress that to live a normal life…

Alcohol and drugs change people into people they’re not, alcohol particularly.
It can make you feel so irritable, uncomfortable in your own skin (while drunk and the next day), can make you aggressive, the sugar rush and crash cycle alone from drinking can have serious mood altering effects. It can wipe your memory, make you confused, alters your cognitive ability and judgement so you do things the sober self would never dream of or even want to.

The drunk you isn’t even you, it’s the you mixed with a chemical you don’t need…

To feel whole and get to know yourself you need to Detox all unnecessary chemicals that alter the self and go from there.

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