Having some odd feelings (TW: SA, therapy, depression)

So i had a therapy session today. My therapist is really awesome. Ive had a lot of bad experiences, especially in my childhood, with therapy and psychiatry. When i was young my dad was CONVINCED that i was Bi polar. From age 9-17 i was placed on 18 different pychoschematic medications. They FRIED my brain. My dad would bring me to a doctor, if they didnt diagnose me based of his opinions and lies how he liked hed take me somewhere else until they did. Turns out I have low spectrum/ high functioning autism and ADHD and was never diagnosed as a child. And the trauma in my childhood left me with complex PTSD and borderline personality disorder. Anyways. This doctor i really like. Today i, for the first time, discussed with him this feeling/sensation that I randomly get. Its happened since i was very young. Its always been there. It went away for a long time about 2 years ago. It recently started happening a lot again in the last few months… ive never known how to describe it or was too embarassed to say it outloud. Well… this was what I told him: i get this feeling of dread, not like something bad will happen but as if it already has or is actively happening. Not normal panic or an anxiety attack just a feeling of fear and disgust.
I was still being vague. He asked how i cope with this feeling. I told him: it doesn’t make sense but I’ll change clothes or put more layers on.
He asked me again to try to describe it. And guys bare with me here… i know … but i told him “imagine having sex with one of your parents or a family member… that gross pit in your stomach…thats the feeling” his response was very calm but he said “Its interesting that that was your example of this gross unsafe feeling.” We dove a little more into my childhood trauma and a few of the other weird habbits and reactions i have to things. I do have a certain family member where some inappropriate things were said or done throughout my life. This same person was also accused of SA his younger sister. His younger sister also at one point in time told other members of our family and a detective that he had SA me as a child… when these allegations came out i was still heavily drinking and using. I just sort of shoved it all away. I knew that this person had done things to me but not to this same extent… I’ve always had this feeling that something had happened… but i had no memory or evidence so i just have shoved that feeling aside. My therapist agress that this feeling could be connected to something of that nature in my childhood that i may not remember but experienced and that trauma and fear may have stayed with me locked away somewhere. My relationship with this person is already strained. I blame them for a lot of pain and suffering in my life as it is. The question he asked me though was: but do you want to know?

And I’m stuck thinking on if knowing one way or another would even help me. It could make it worse to know. It could put me at risk of relapsing or opening up old wounds that I’m not ready to heal. I could accept that something likely happened and take steps to heal it. I dont know if i want to KNOW. All i know is I cant keep shoving it down and pretending like its not there. Because it is. And after 26 years it hasnt gone away.

Ive never talked to anyone about this until today. I talked with my mom about it. Surprisingly she wasnt dramatic in either a negative way or a positive way. She was just steady. She also asked me the same question and told me that she loved me.

Just in a weird place with it all. I have experienced SA type things in my life. But what that woman acused this person of… its different. Just really confused. I’m not used to therapy leaving me puzzled rather than at peace. But this feeling happening again was too much for me. He did mention that 2 years ago when it stopped is when i had started gaining weight, i felt less atteactive and wasnt getting wanted or unwanted male attention anymore. Now that I’m losing weight and feel more confident I may be noticing more male attention again and its making me feel uncomfortable.

Idk… if theres anyone who may have experienced something similar that is willing to talk to me, even in a private message it would be greatly appreciated. I’m not like triggered to the point i even want to drink. Just wondering if its even worth exploring at this point in my life. :face_exhaling:

It was more of a hit than i was ready for on a Friday morning in the middle of my workday. Thats for sure.


I haven’t experienced this myself but I’m posting here to bump this thread back up to the top, maybe someone else will see it and might have some thoughts.

Take care and know that you belong and you are a worthy being, deserving of respect and healthy attention from people (including yourself) who sincerely care about you.

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I can say that every time something from my therapy has left me asking questions, it has been a seed of additional understanding. If I were you, I would explore this. Personally I find talks with trusted friends helpful (my closest friends are people I trust completely and could say anything to them, knowing they would respect my experience). That interpersonal processing - the effort to put it into words and communicate it to my friend, then to listen to my friend’s perspective - helps “process” my emotions and refine them, and shape my understanding. It turns the emotions from something erratic into something more comprehensible to me.

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Thank you very much. I hadnt gotten any responses at all and was starting to think maybe this was too strange even for our community and was considering taking it down. I appreciate your kind words :heart:

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Thank you!
I have 3 really close friends like that, that i know i can talk to about stuff like this. One of them I’ve known since middle school and she already knows that some things took place with this family memeber… that there were SA situations. It just feels kind of weird opening it back up to explore that it may have been worse.

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My pleasure. I understand about the “no-response” feeling. If it helps, I don’t think it has anything to do with the poster (you, or any thread poster) on a personal level. In my experience on the forum (since 2019!) I’ve found people here want to give thoughtful replies and I suspect that it just wasn’t seen by people who could relate and reply (and I can also say, from my time here, that I am sure there are people here who have been through very similar things; it’s just the threads gradually work down the list, in order according to most recent reply, so sometimes it gets deep enough down that it just misses the eyes of people who can relate).

You are not alone, I promise.

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But i do also know that if i dont process these feelings I’ll eventually get angry and resentful, even at people who have nothing to do with it all.


Yes, just like the cheese in my fridge deli drawer. It gets moldy with resentment if I ignore it too long

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Thank you very much :pleading_face::heart:

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I’m sorry I can’t offer you my help on this thread but just wanted to let you know that this is the first time I’ve seen it so it may have been missed . I’m going to see a psychotherapist in a couple of weeks I’ve never sought therapy before and have a whole host of shit to unpack I feel sorry for them . I hope you get the advice or help you need on here and. I wish you luck and support you on your journey through therapy :people_hugging::kissing_heart:


Thank you. Yeah, its felt a little extra lonely not having much response in the way of advice. Logically, I know I’m not the only person in the world who has gone through this. Emotionally though, it really feels that way right now :confused:

Thank you for responding though. And i hope therapy is good to you! Its a journey but its helped me a lot.