Having Trouble Tonight

Day 6 and this is the worst day yet. So tempted to fall off the wagon tonight. Need some good vibes.


Dang. You’re so close to a week. That first week sucks. I don’t know about good vibes. But. Lots of angry power walks with my buddy Eminem. His angry rock got me walking my ass off twice a day. I felt drained after.
Then a long hot shower in the evening. Usually around happy hour. Im talking 20-30 minutes as hot as I could take it. Then I’d come down stairs pour a nice glass of sparkling water in my favorite wine glass. Cook a nice dinner.

Meetings are always good.




First week was very difficult for me. Someone posted this video early in my recovery and it helped me. I’m actually going to watch it again now. Hope it helps.


C’mon bud, it’s a bitch but get mad and fight it! Read your first post here too. Drinking does nothing good. Life isn’t meant to be lived that way. :hugs:


I’m working through it and could really use a meeting, but I’m home with my kids and can’t make that work. This end of the week has been incredibly difficult heading into the weekend.


Take 5 minutes and get on the gratitude thread.

Or just write down ten things you are grateful for about your children on a note book. You got 5 minutes somewhere. And you can easily find ten things your grateful for being sober for your children. Focus on gratitude.


Brother, you need to let go of yesterday and move on for tomorrow… No more distractions from life - you deserve and want the real thing. The fact you’re reaching out proves there’s a golden part of you which knows better deep down and cares buddy. You are stronger than your biggest excuse. Your sobriety is who you are, give it a chance man, tomorrow’s you needs you help…

I know it can feel overwhelming, but your life and sobriety are a One Day At A Time gift, relax, notice your breathe and heartbeat - that’s your life right there, and you only live once my friend, you know one of these days you want and need to consciously face your biggest fears to open up more doors than you can dream of… One Day At A Time, don’t overthink this bullshit - you can fall as many times as you like but you’ll always get back up because you love and care about yourself and the greater potential life this mysterious world we find ourselves in has to offer. It’s not just a relapse, this is you consciously self-sabotaging - and that’s a fucking bullshit problem you know can’t go on forever. A therapist, psychologist, being genuine and honest by opening up about your real self and figuring 1000 ways to progress that are all better than pitifully giving in to foreign demands.

Read over these over and over, take a cold shower, watch helpful and motivational youtube videos relevant to your situation, go for a run, a swim, a walk, anything… Don’t be affraid to reach out and open up, and keep your head up @DetLionsFan! :wink:


Get lost in a movie with your kids, or get a board game out, or go play tag- for me anything that involves movement really helps break that thought cycle. And absolutely the gratitude thread, and the foodies thread!
You can do this :muscle:


Or just tell us right here ten things you are grateful for when you’re sober with or for your kids.

How about their smile?
The funny way they pick on dad?
They way they make you laugh ?


I’m sorry, but it does get better. They have meetings online or immerse yourself with your kids then just go to bed. Tomorrow will be better.

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Sorry I got to go.
How about tonight?
You don’t drink for your children!! You can do that!!
I know they’re worth it.
Just for tonight. Do this for them.
One day at a time. For whomever it takes.


This works!!

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Hey Mike, I hope you didn’t cave!
They have lots of online meetings round the clock at intherooms.com

Stay strong my friend! You got everything to win by staying sober!

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I read this when I get those challenging days.


Good one. I got a copy of it to

Thank you all for the replies. I’m happy to report that I did NOT cave last night. I’m going to put myself in a better position tonight for success. I will get signed up for the online meetings so that if times get tough, I’ll have that to fall back on. I appreciate the support and hope that you all know how important your words were to me.


I’m still early in, but one thing I have done that helps (similar to what you have already started talking about ) is “fill my toolbox” so I know what I am going to do if I feel urges. Things like step outside a take a walk, read passages from books that have been helpful, call or text a close friend you have talked with about your sobriety, write or draw what you are feeling (even if not a writer or artist…no one has to see it, it is for you), take a super hot shower and play the tape all the way through (what would happen if you picked up). Knowing in advance what those things will be for me has helped me on those tought days. I’ve also had weekend days where I watched as many movies about recovery as I could and listened to audiobooks immersing myself in learning about addiction and the ways out. Those days were very comforting.

TS is always here and there is always someone reading and caring about what you share. As Eric mentioned, the gratitude thread is magically helpful. It’s been a vital part of my sobriety one day at a time.

Great job!! :+1: And smart plan!!

I love this!!! One of my favorite therapists talked about this years ago. It’s good stuff !!!

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