He wasn't that bad

Well done you for passing that shit over to your mom and brother… what in God’s name were they thinking? Families are some times the worst! They talk about us when we used to drink then try and make us give in when we give up :woman_shrugging:t3: anybody else and we’d throw it back at them. Good job on staying on track, you’re an inspiration to me buddy! I have a family do to go to over Xmas and when I told them that I’m not drinking anymore they cried,”nooooooo who’s going to play board games and mess about for fun?” And these fuckers are supposed to love us!! :exploding_head: :two_hearts::pray:t2:

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I totally get it. I grew up in a non drinking household but I think that had a lot to do with my mom growing up with an alcoholic father…not a great situation for her so she nor my father really drank at all growing up. They never had a taste for it, unfortunately for me I did. It makes it easier temptation wise, however it’s harder because I don’t feel comfortable talking to them about it. I’m hoping that through this journey I can be that one person who understands. I’m not proud of everything I’ve done but if I can help the next generation coming up in my family, I would feel like there was a reason for all the bullshit. Your boys are lucky to see you change and take control of your life. It’s not the hardships in our life that define us, it’s how we face them. Congratulations to you for that :heart: Wishing you and your family a wonderful (and sober :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) holiday season!


His show is a guilty pleasure of mine too! :joy:

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I love this. It makes me think of my early days. I remember telling my hubby that I wanted to go to AA and he responded “but that’s for alcoholics”. :rofl:

Everyone can see that a person drinks too much but no one wants to say they are an alcoholic. Heck we even have a hard time saying about ourselves. I know when I think of the alcoholic I picture the homeless guy under the bridge, dirty, and drinking cheep shot out of a paper bag…how could I be an alcoholic.

But yep, if I didn’t stop I was probably going to be in a brutal car accident and quite possibly dead from it.


Hiya! I’ve already told my hubby fam that I can still mess about and have a giggle without booze…secretly I’m dreading going but, it’s got to be done as my hubs mum is 80 so we get together for her more than anything… all my family have died so I don’t have to go to get together with any other family things other than the in laws. My in laws are very jealous and judging and a very different breed to your fam I suppose. My in-laws just want me to fail so I know there will be plenty of booze about, even though they don’t drink a lot at all. It’s all a test. Over the years I’ve exaggerated the fun I’m having and always pretended to be more drunk than I was as I know they were sticking their noses up and bitching about me. Now I’ve decided that I’m not going to drink again I’m changing as a person and I’m slowly realising that I don’t even HAVE to be there. It’s a process. I’m glad that you have managed to deal with the ‘gift’ situation and your family sound a lot nicer than my in-laws… xx

It’s gonna be fine @anon86726034 I am totally committed to sobriety … it isn’t easy as we all know and I’m just really happy that I have folks like you guys on here to experience this with. If I was ever tempted to fall off the wagon it would not ever be around them. I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. In someways it makes me more determined to succeed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Looking forward to spending the holidays with all the TS crew! We are going to be fine, we can totally do this! :pray:t2::two_hearts:xx


Aw… That really sucks, man… And I feel like this applies as a jab more so to folks who don’t struggle with or understand addiction.

The family get togethers can be the hardest. The family trips, holiday dinners, funerals, weddings, etc. For me, it was just general uncomfortableness. I went through a lot of events for the first couple years, especially that first year. At first, it is weird. People don’t know how to take it. They internally question why you are doing it. It is weird for them. Whoever it may be, for the first time, second time or few times. It is a weird, uncomfortable, pressured feeling in a way, the feeling of, if not to drink, to explain.
Then they mull over it. Question themselves, accept who you are. And that is just it, getting comfortable in your own skin. You will notice the next time, or the time it sinks in for them, it isn’t a big deal. They have accepted it and you are the non drinker.
Once you reach the point with them, and yourself, there are less triggers, pressure and general uncomfortableness. Time helps as well.