Healthy Hobbies for Addicts

I’m looking for a healthy hobby as a former addict. I’m looking for something along the lines of fitness or just learning a new hobby with my hands!


Electric unicyle


Welcome! There are several threads on hobbies in general and on particular like hiking, fitness, gardening etc. You can use the search function for looking up keywords.


Here’s an extensive list. Take a look and see what piques your interest.


Hobbies that keep me on the sober path:

Music - there is an endless amount of music you can explore on streaming services, you can frequent record stores and fairs to browse and buy cheap(er) vinyl and there are live performances everywhere!

Cooking/baking - tons of new recipes to try out, including my collection on Pinterest. Picking up things in the supermarket that I have not cooked with before and experimenting with it. Added bonus if you can freeze some stuff so the H in HALT doesn’t hit you over the head unexpectedly.

Home improvements/automation - always projects to do in and around the house. Tinkering with Google Home and Matter automation, learning to program a Raspberry PI and incorporating it in my set-up.


Oh and welcome to the community, @Palmer1, glad you could join us! :wave:


I really enjoy doing paint by numbers to keep my hands and mind busy :paintbrush::art: :framed_picture:


I vote for walking/running for your fitness and an instrument like guitar/ukelele/keyboard for your hands. I’d go nuts without those options.

@Dirk You should post about your Raspberry Pi adventures some day. We’ve been using them at work lately when we need to circumvent the rules of the IT people. What they don’t know won’t hurt 'em!

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I am one of those pesky IT people, so I definitely do not approve of that! :joy:

Joking aside: I will certainly do so, the current project is to replace my dying Squeezebox Touch music streamer with this:

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Try to learn to Paint, I found that the best remedy for restless mind it takes all your negative focusing on habits and you feel more calmer plus art doesn’t have a specific design art is art.:grin:

Hi! I really enjoy painting by numbers, it’s a good way to keep you mentally distracted, it also requires some time to finish a painting, thus it keeps you busy. And in the end you get a cool painting that you’ve done all by yourself! :sweat_smile:. You can get them eg on Amazon.


Every time someone mentions “painting by numbers” on here, I cannot help but sing this song out loud :joy:

The Police - Murder By Numbers

I have a lot of hobbies and I’ve found having a good mix of fitness and hands on hobbies to keep me busy in my free time has been really helpful in my sobriety.
I start most days off with a hike and/or high altitude run. I also like to ride horses and play sports. For inside activities I love to cook/bake. Reading, creative writing and love to work with felt. Wet felting, weaving yarn and occasionally dry felting. Learning languages is also a hobby of mine. There’s so many different things to try out!

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5000 piece puzzle would drive me crazy lol.

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Doing a vegetable garden is a great way to become and stay fit. I think it’s healthy for the whole body-mind. You learn all the time, you are outside connected to the elements, you move all your body, you use your creativity and imagination. And you celebrate by preparing your meals with the fruit of your labour.