Healthy recipes . Developing a belly!

I usually use balsamic vinegar but I do add a touch of sweet chilli and about half a teaspoon of sesame oil x

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I could add coconut yoghurt i guess that would be like overnight oats x

i love overnight oats! i add chia seeds and cashews to soak through the night. yummmm!

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Some of my favourites…

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Oooo I’ll definitely look at these thanks a lot xx

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mmm love thai food. have you watched the netflix show ‘street food’? they have an episode about a woman in bangkok. its such a good ep/show!

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No but I will check it out. Thai food is my absolute favourite, worked in a thai restaurant for a few years, Pong the chef, best cook/bloke ever!

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Love the Thai Basil Beef. I’ve got the ingredients for that already :blush:

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For simple braised chicken thighs i season the chicken with your preferred spices, then I sear skin down on a very hot pan to brown the skin and render the fat out, I flip over brown the other side and add 1 nice large thinly sliced yellow onion and stir in with the chicken to pick up the seared bits. ( You can add sichuan pepper corns, and chilli’s here if you like their flavor)

Cook this until the onions are soft and almost translucent, then cover the chicken thighs with low sodium broth or you can use half water and half broth of you like less flavor .
The color of the sauce will be gold if you browned the chicken correctly. I cook chicken for 40-50 minutes covered most of the way then add in carrots towards the end to cook about 10 minutes. Eat with your preferred rice/rice alternative or noodles if you please.

Generally one onion to 4/5 chicken thighs, liquid volume depends on depth of pan.

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Haha I’m late to suggesting banana porridge, apparently it’s a popular club! I experimented with when I add the banana (with the oats, at the end, or partway) to find the effect I liked. It can make it more banana-y like banana bread or more like a topping, depending.

Bok Choy sauteed in peanut oil with minced ginger, served with brown rice and a baked chicken breast, is one of my favourites. If you’re not into the subtle flavours so much it might not be what you’re looking for, but I’m sure it’s easily spiced up.

Hmm it’s tough for me to come up with suggestions! You would probably laugh at the cupboard and fridge selection I am limited by :rofl:


Loving the bok Choi and chicken dish yummy !!

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I’ve got every spice known to man and every type of fish or meat but I’ve still been eating junk for weeks !!! :smirk::scream:


Hi! Here are a few websites I give to my clients…

Depending on what you’re trying to do (lose weight, cut out carbs, lower sodium levels) there are recipes for them all.

What I like to tell people is have fun with it-websites and recipe searching are all part of having a clean healthy eating style and now adays there are doctored healthy versions of your favorite recipes which is so cool! Happy eating!

Thanks Sean I use to follow their Facebook page. And where have you been hiding ? How’s the little one doing ?

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Thank you a lot for these :blush::blush:

I’m really sorry to hear about the anxiety Sean I really am. I suffer from it a lot but I can still go out etc it’s more situational. Please get back on here and let us help. So glad to hear about the kids :blush: I’m ok been up and down but generally not bad

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What is your job?

I’m a chef currently interning at a rehab as their RDN

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Jesus Sean I hate using what’s app all I have in it are work rota groups night out work groups and other crap Like that which I usually ignore ! Sorry sunshine !!

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Second the love for bokchoy!

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