Hey not sure if there’s a topic for this yet, but thought it might be fun to share My first recipe is peanut butter oat balls. Peanut butter I know is high in fat but it’s good fat and also high in protein and I use the all natural kind.
Peanut butter oat balls:
1 cup oats (slow releasing carbohydrate for sustained energy)
1/2 cup all natural peanut butter (high in protein, good fats and fibre)
2Tablespoons ground flax (full of omega-3’s thought to help with depression, anxiety and reduce inflammation)
1 Tablespoon chia seeds( full of antioxidants)
1/4 cup of honey(or a bit less…I don’t like it too sweet)
Add in some semi sweetie chocolate chips… mix it all up roll them into balls and refrigerate or freeze. So yummy .