Heart Metrics

When it comes to endurance training, I’m a metrics fanatic…whether it’s sleep tracking, max heart rate, or in this case my resting heart rate. I’m a firm believer in measuring progress through stats…it helps reinforce what I feel physically and ensures I’m training in the zones I need to be in to achieve the best possible results. I thought this was an interesting snapshot of my week…I had my last drink on Monday. Alcohol raises your resting heart rate to insane levels and forces you heart to work harder even while you are sleeping. Since cutting it out, my RHR has dropped faster than the stock market. The proof is in the numbers! :chart_with_downwards_trend:


That’s awesome! Are you also an athlete of some sorts?


That’s crazy cool, thanks for sharing.


I’m a weekend athlete :wink: I love training and amateur competition in trail running, mountain biking…and up until Covid struck…I was training for my first trail triathlon. I’m just now climbing back on the training bandwagon…hoping organized races start back up.


Chris, I am sooooooo LAZY. I’d love to do a 30 day fitness challenge to track my Resting heart rate over that time.

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Baby steps…I was running 10-15 miles on trails several times a week this time, last year…I can barely crank out 3 right now without hip discomfort at a slooooow pace :joy:

Start slow…set a distance and walk it. When that becomes manageable, increase the distance and/or speed. Not too much too fast, but remain consistent and build a good solid base. That is where a lot of programs go sideways, doing too much too soon without building that base.

You gotta burn energy to gain energy. Pretty soon you won’t feel lazy. Give it a shot!

Day 13 and the resting heart rate decline continues :heart: