Hello again world

Well back again after a long break been through the mill with emotions and two relapses which was made worse by doing a 21day cleanse after a reiki atunment I did.

It brought up a lot of trauma and emotions I felt very exposed and vurnable and hadn’t a drink to block it out.

I had to overcome this on my own but I knew it I didn’t fix myself emotionally and heal my drinking would never stop so now Im on a clean sleight and hope to stay sober for good this time


Welcome back @Rachel1988 good to see you again. Back in the saddle!

Keep in touch and keep reaching out. Isolation and addiction are dangerous :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome welcome. Good to see you back :heart:

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Welcome back @Rachel1988 :sunflower:

Welcome back :blush: … let’s take it ODAAT and start the healing/ recovery process

Welcome back!! :heart:

Welcome back, Rachel!

This disease is cunning, baffling and powerful. Stay connected and do something recovery related every single day.