Hello friends. (Life things)

You have mentioned before in this thread that one of the things that scares you most is the sense of being isolated in prison; removed and isolated from everything you’ve known. You’ve also said that you fear being hardened by prison, made less alive, less vibrant; you fear being deadened by the prison experience.

I say these things not to be discouraging or bleak, but to say I see you. Your fear is seen. It’s scary. It’s normal.

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Knives…hoping for the best possible outcome. I know the waiting must be grueling. :pensive::pensive:

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Thinking about you @Knives69
This community is here for you.


Thinking of you.


Hey friends of Knives. They were sentenced last Thursday to 5 years. You can send them money through jPay by finding them in the WA state system with DOC number 429210 and you can write them letters by sending mail to:

Allysia Bishop
DOC # 429210
9601 Bujacich Rd. NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98332-8300


Thanks for the update


No problem, anyone in here have any experience with getting married in prison?


Nope but that sounds pretty exciting.


I don’t but who’s getting married? You and knives? Sounds exciting!


I wonder why she doesn’t have email option on her account… It doesn’t offer it. Maybe because she’s new?

Allysia/Knives is not a girl. They do have email set up on jPay. You just need to be careful about which DOC number you select. There are usually two options #0429210 or #429210. If you choose the one without the zero at the beginning you should find they have everything. Video grams emails song things etc. Thank you so much for your support and interest in my love and their incarceration/sobriety. They were super stressed prior to the trial and 2 weeks ahead kind of went off the deep end with using again but are staying super dedicated and motivated that they don’t ever want to use again :slight_smile: <3

Also, @Matt Allysia talks very highly of you and all the helpful words along the way. We are both eternally grateful for you taking time help Allysia in their recovery.


I apologize for my error in pronouns.

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I’m glad they’re safe & sound. I know they were very worried about what was next; I could hear in their words. Please let them know I am thinking of them, and remind them: “you are a good person - you are a good and worthy person, you still are & always have been - and you deserve a safe, sober life where you belong”.

Thx :innocent:

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No problem! They/them can be a rough one to get used to for sure :slight_smile:

When we met in rehab I had to literally write 3 pages referring to them correctly until it sank in


Thanks Matt! They will love to hear that. Some Inmates bullying them today had them convinced due to the “violent” offender classification that they would have to go to maximum security so they were rough when we talked this morning. I called their counselor and found out that is totally not the case. That good news plus your words will be a good end to their day today phone call.


Thank you for letting us know. Positive thoughts for Knives.


So glad that Knives came back from the deep end and will be able to navigate whatever comes next with a clear head. All my love and support goes out to you both :sparkling_heart:

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Thank you. Never had a long term incarceration hit so close to home. Its fucking rough but nothing compared to what they’re going through. That being said though they are doing WAY better now. Their cellmate has their back and they are making friends. They get to go outside for gym now and can call 3 times a day. They are excited that we finally are going to be able to have a future together and so am I. They have been saying they are going to “win prison” which simultaneously encouraging and hilarious (its what we used to say in rehab).

I’m trying really really fucking hard to stay clean. My sponser always says bad things happen in 3s and he’s certainly spot on… this time anyways :crazy_face: I have 204 days and it’s the most I’ve had since I was 12. I’m not saying shit about my struggles to Knives right now because I don’t want them worrying about that in there. I don’t think I’m gonna use but I haven’t wanted to as much as right now since I got clean. Trying to keep my feet out of the Bermuda triangle of self obsession.


Lean on us, we are a solid bunch.


Well it’s a really heavy situation (understatement much?!) and it’s not surprising to want to have an escape from it all. But feeling the feels is part of the process. There is nothing to fix, we’ve just got to ride it out and wait for the better times because they will come again. Having a future together sounds like something worth holding on for :sparkling_heart:

Like @Its_me_Stella says, lean on us. Sounds like you have an offline recovery network in place too. None of us has to do it alone!