Hello. Im new here and wanted to introduce myself.
Im 55 and have been sober for 2 years this Christmas. The holiday season has always been a trigger for me. Im what I would call a binge drinker. I started drinking when I was 15 years old. Seagrams eventually became my alcohol of choice. Every December the drinking would start around the 15th and end New years day. Then I wouldn’t touch any more for a long time.
Over the years though I found that I was using NyQuil all the time. Double and triple shots at a time. Because it helped me to sleep. Without it I couldn’t sleep.
This year has been particularly hard on our family financially. It’s stressing me out to the point where the cravings are coming back really bad. Worse than normal. Its only because we don’t have money to spare for alcohol that’s kept me away from it. That and sheer force of will.
So thats me. Theres a lot more to my story but this is where Im currently at. I will be starting AA soon. The online meeting here is on Thursday night so Ill do it tomorrow.
Im hoping that I can find the love and support I need here and that I can be a source of encouragement to others.
Welcome Jen,
Congratulations on your almost 2 years. That’s a great bit of recovery to be very proud of
It took me almost 3 years before I started going to AA. For some reason I was afraid to go. I had plenty of tools and knowledge. But now I enjoy my weekly meeting or 2 and look forward to going. It kind of fills my spiritual tank. And that is what I need most times when I’m feeling low.
This is a great community. So much knowledge and great people here with a lot in common. Have a good read around and join in when you’re comfortable. The lights are always on.
Welcome to an awesome sober community. This place and aa have supported me in my recovery. So greatful for all the sober tools. Theres lots of support, love, hugs, and laughs had here
Welcome Jen You are in a tight spot and this would be hard for anyone. You are not alone though. It sounds like you have a plan. You’ll find lots of supportive voices here
Dear @MrsSully , that is the most brutally honest intro I have ever read, thank you for sharing!
2 years of sobriety is crazy good and I say that not because today is my 2 years milestone
You have a plan and you have tools, those two are vitally important in my experience. I have every faith in you sailing through the holidays and far beyond, because you know what you’ve got and you know what you want. Simple as that.
When you do need support, think of us as a friend in your pocket. We are a global community so there’s bound to be someone here to talk to 24/7.
Welcome, you are already a source of encouragement to others!
Welcome, Jen, you’re in the right place. This can be a great community for support, for you to vent, or to just gain insight and feedback. It’s all here under one virtual roof. Keep coming back and sharing