Hello from new user

I lived on here, hard to give into a craving when you are reading about sobriety.

Cravings will happen, its a choice whether you give in


Hi :raising_hand_woman:
Welcome to the community.
Take a good read around here to see how others have managed.
For me being active here and going to meetings either online or face to face has really helped me.


Hi there… I went to AA . They gave me a plethora of tools that’s aided me to retain sobriety


I think allen carrs book is fab!!


Welcome to the community!

This thread has a ton of links to other threads with lots of tips and tricks:

Welcome to the forum! 2022


Thank you all for the responses! I’m going to try to use this app as much as possible. It seems like everyone here is crazy welcoming and friendly. It’ll be hard but I know I can beat cravings and I know I’ll come out on top of this breaking my generational curse of alcoholism. However has anyone tried NA beer? Beer is my main falter and I used to drink anywhere from a 15-30 pack a night…would getting non-alcoholic beer help me with the taste or do y’all think it would just make me want real beer more??


There are many threads on the topic of NA drinks. you can use the magnifying glass to search for keywords.
Welcome and ODAAT :sunflower:

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Yeah, NA beer comes up a lot. I’d say if you have any doubt then it’s not worth messing with it.

There are so many other options for staying hydrated, why tempt fate! Especially if it was your go to.

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Thank you both, I was kinda leaning towards staying away fully since as said it was my drink for years…just figured I’d ask around and see if it helped anyone else because a lot of my love for beer was taste alongside the drunk from it. But I do agree w y’all, probably best to avoid in general if I can. I’ve been using energy drinks when it feels like I should be sipping from a can late at night and it kinda helps but at the same time is ruining my sleep.

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No meetings or anything of that sort yet…I’m kind of catching myself early into drinking and why I want to stop. I’m only 21 but had my first drink at 12, started weekend drinking at 15-ish and then once 17 hit I started drinking pretty heavily. Ever since 19 hit it’s been every day…and a lot every day and that’s horrifying to me because of what my family is so I’m deciding to nip it in the end now before I’m to far into it and don’t want to change like 90% of my family. Plus drinking has been nothing but trouble in my life, from fights and arguments to legal trouble I’m just over it, but it feels so weird not drinking how I’m used to.



All the hydration, none of the guilt or zoomies.


I’ve definitely considered so I’m going to try my best with will and if I fear breaking I’ll seek the help, this app has already been great

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Congrats. I’m newly sober myself. Tried many times before. Day 32 for me now. Here is a post I made to reflect on my first 30 or so days. We’re all proud of you and here for you. Keep it up.

You know i lived with my dad for years and he was a bad alcoholic and he would eat Chocolate to stop the craving.

It’s because we’re actually a cult. A Sober Cult. We want to lure you into our group clutches in order to help you create a better life for yourself. Of course, like all cults, we work to cut you off from your old life–of addiction. There is happiness and freedom in sobriety and we want you to have it too. So yes, be seduced by our over welcoming and friendly facade. Underneath you will find----that we are even more friendly and welcoming! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m going to leave the beer advice to others. This isn’t an area I have experience. But welcome to the forum! Glad to have you be one of us!



What an awesome welcome :grin:, definitely seems like a cult I’ll enjoy. Thank you for the welcome and the kindness


Just a simple tech question? Does the counter that keeps track of sober time on this site affect the charge on your cell phone? Just curious seems I’m low on charge more often since joining Sober Time?

Wow that’s great thank you :blush:

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You can also access your account through the website if that helps.
I prefer just using my browser.

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Just keep in mind that if you stay sober and take responsibility you can possibly have peace and happiness