Hello i am 4 days sober, struggling

I am 4 days sober. Been to 2 meeting which i found amazing. Went home and feel so alone. I don’t have any support i have no family 1 drinking friend and my husband a non drinker does everything he can to avoid me. I feel so alone


I’m 20 days in. I drink coffee after work instead of beer. The first week sucks. But waking up every morning is so much easier. Hang in there.


Welcome to sobriety and to Talking Sober, @Clairelilly82 and @Mb220!

Claire, I found so much hope and sympathy at AA early on. And those were two of the last qualities I would have listed about my life at that time. If you can reach out just a little at the meetings, I’m sure you’ll make contacts, and maybe friends, who will help to feel less alone.

Mike, you are right - waking up sober and dealing with life beats coming to with a hangover and struggling for that next drink every single day of the week.

Here’s some great threads for you to peruse!


Hang out with us when you feel alone. 🫶🏻


Welcome Claire. So glad you chose us to hang with. When I first got here( about 2 weeks ago) one of the first things I read on here was…
“Glad you reached out to this place, there’s so much love and support here it’s literally a family in your pocket!” Jwfletcher4792

I had no family at that point, so I stayed on this site a lot. There are some amazing people here!!!


Hang in there. If you really enjoyed those meetings, keep going and you will find over time you will meet people. Many go for coffee and such after the meetings, and you will meet some new friends.

When you are feeling lonely pull us out of your pocket. We are always here. Sending you so much strength, love and hugs right now. The early days are not easy, but it will get easier along the way. We’re ALWAYS here xo.


Hang in there, I’m coming up on 3 days, it’s rough, keep the goal in mind!

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Thats were its important to get phone numbers so you can phone people when you are feeling lonely and meet up for coffee ,at the next meeting get some wish you well.


I did this a lot also and I would highly recommend this too. :slight_smile: