Hello. Is there anyone else here that's in for month 3 sober?

Hello everyone. How’s it going?

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Hey Gabriel. Doing well today. Only one craving to drink that was noticeable to me so far. Getting the fire going for a cold winters night.

How you doing?

Hi there. I’m doing fine. No cravings for me. It went too far for me last time i drank. Now sober for almost 10 weeks :blush: and all by myself, didn’t work with treatment homes for me… but then again I wasn’t that deep in the sh-t before…

How long time have you been sober now?

No alcohol since 1/1/24. 17 days. My life is improving. My vocabulary is coming back. We had a weekly work meeting today, and I wasn’t struggling to participate, and I could find the words to voice my opinions clearly.

I was drinking a twelve of Bud a night and a pack of cigs daily for a couple years, if that counts for being deep in the sh-t :man_shrugging:


Before i got sober i drank 24 beers a day. Last 2 weeks before i got sick and had to go to hospital for detox i drank a 70cl 40% vodka + 1-2 70cl strong wine 14,% that’s quite crazy :exploding_head:

Yikes, good choice to quit doing that!

Welcome to the family here.

I check in daily on the Daily checkin thread to hold myself accountable for 24 hours of no alcohol. Lots of great support from the people here.

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Thanks. Sometimes you really need someone to talk to or write to that understand how hard it can be to going through this alone. It’s not easy but one day at a time :wink:

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Maybe try ameeting they helped me stay sober wish yous well