Hello just came back from emerging unit seizure no one even cared as I’m alchohol

Allen Carr easy way stop drinking women was a great start for me to understand brain washing
The biggest problem was physical as they described as mild fever however if you have fever you seek for paracetamol in my case seek for a drink :tumbler_glass: I’ll listen this book again and again to remove brain washing of pleasure and comfort that alchohol gives
I did some research and was speaking with my GP there is medication which blocks your pleasure receptors while drinking alchohol many success stories in USA unfortunately seems to be impossible to get this in Uk as no one look at people with this problem seriously unless you about to die . I think it needs to be addressed more seriously , not like a typical drunkie after night out in pub but the same as a person who is sacrifice their life to Addiction and pays a big price for it
Considering most of alchoholics working paying taxes and loosing life’s it’s good to have this community to support each other


Welcome lucyreb and I can totally relate as I also have had drinking alcohol epileptic seizures was sent to the hospitals number of times I would get sezures with or without these so called (right amount of alcohol) Wich is none but if I didn’t have any it would send me back the E.R had my heart jump started a few times and and my doctor’s also told me to moderate not stop and ofcourse they gave me a medication called gabapentin and it was a high dose of 1800mg a day long story short I’m glad you’re here and it does get better just stay the course I made it through detox then treatment center and now I’m off all my meds no seizures and I’m 199 days sober so I really hope that gave you some hope wish you all the best keep coming back the ppl in this forum are great


Im from the UK aswell. North east…

How are things going? I used to be a pain in the ass at the local hospital I went in about 300+ times. For seizures got given a dose of librium and kicked out sometimes they’d keep me in depending on how busy they were. They always had librium available though so I was lucky, but absolutely no use and a dose only lasts about 3 hours.

Definitely do a reduction if you have more than one seizure as the next could kill you. Things get better

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Haven’t been here for few days as drinking too much today finally went to detox community Center got medication medical help as withdrawal were sever physical now is in progress just mental which is in progress listening book again :pray::pray: so blessed and happy to be able to get detox


It is extremely unfortunate, how medical professionals treat addicts and people in recovery. I can relate to what you went through, and I’m glad that you’re still here with us. I had a seizure once too, although it was from injecting heroin. What a surreal and alarming experience. I hope you’re recovering and that you’ll dust yourself off and try again. :purple_heart:


Fist day without alchohol in three your time :worried: feeling extremely anxious paranoid etc panicky
Hope it getter better
Sad that people judge alcoholics and addicts you never know what life brings you before this problem as I was personal trainer never drank in my life and live turned around a lot that I was not capable to walk stairs due to withdrawals

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Finally got detox community have to go there every morning to chick in and get Librium seem to be working but anxiety kicked in as it’s my first day sober in a very very long time don’t even know what to do with myself small step at the time yes realised it only lasts 3-4h I’m in highest dose at the moment

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Hi Rebecca,
I’m sorry you have had to endure this. I know what you mean about the stairs. I’m glad you have got help in the community. It does get a lot better. I’m a bit late to this thread but if it helps anyone, I was going to say that a hospital admission may have accelerated the process. I have three friends who have had seizures admitted to two different UK hospitals (I called the ambulance for one of them) and they were kept in 7 days for detox - i.v. Pabrinex + tapered chlordiazepoxide (Librium). Best wishes for your continued recovery. Stay around. :+1: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:

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Hey Rebecca ! Dont feel lonely your now surrounded by US :pray: and youll never be lonely again .forget the Doctor you got this its nice meeting you !

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When I open the messages I do not feel alone really appreciate it nice to talk to people who understands this group definitely mess me stronger looking at so many success stories rolling into my second day sober been years great feeling wake up without hangover sun :sunny: seems brighter and day more productive was hard to sleep at night missing my bad alchohol buddy that naughty comfort I suppose sooner or later I have to break this habit and fully enjoy healthy life


Hi there, I would like to order this book as well, because of all your positive comments on it. Would you recommend getting the one specifically for women or just the regular one?
Thank you :yum:

That’s not very nice of them they should remember that god doesn’t pay debts with money, they will get there’s love. Hope your ok everyone on here cares xx

You can do this!! And the anxiety, weakness, etc. DOES go away. And you know what? You never have to feel that way again. This can be your last detox. Sending positive thoughts and support to you.


Hi, yes the one for women is the one to get. It’s just a bit more directed to our bodies etc. Brilliant book, let me know how you get on with it :+1::two_hearts:

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An alternative is This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. The only criticism of it has been that it plagiarises Allen Carr in parts, although she acknowledges this. Having read it I think it is great and shows that sobriety doesn’t have to be a continual struggle. I would say it is best for people who have fallen into alcohol addiction through their environment, such as work, but if alcohol is used to run away from trauma, pain or certain problems those need to be addressed first. :closed_book: :+1: