Hello, My name is Goth2002

Hello, My name is Shaliyah Brown. I’m an Sober recovery from Alcoholic and Weed. I’m 21 years old. I just want my life to turn around. To be an better person I can be. I have struggled with Depression Bipolar and I had first smoke weed with nicotine vapes. I thought I’ll be okay until, I had become very mean and say things I shouldn’t say. And it hurts me more than it hurts them. I needed help I know I do. But I found God, and ever since then I had Indeed turned my life around but not only just myself. But for my family.




Hi Shaliyah,
Welcome here!
My name is Claudia :raising_hand_woman:
Do realize that this is an open forum so everybody can see your full name. Not only the users with a profile here but also people who just “lurks around”.
That’s why I only share my first name here.
Just something to think over?

Again welcome here and if you have any questions just ask :sweat_smile:


Hi @Goth2002 welcome to ts I’m glad you’ve been able to step into the light and have found your higher power :pray:t2::heart:

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Thank you :pray:t5:

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Oh lol, :rofl: Thank you so much to give me tips. And Thank you for having me here

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Thank you :pray:t5::blush::innocent: I’m forever Grateful :heart:

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Hi @Goth2002 how are you today :palm_up_hand:

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I’m good I’m blessed :pray:t5:

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Glad to hear it :innocent::pray:t2:

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