Hello Safe Space. I am clawing out of my dark hole again

After a very dark, guilty weekend of basically not leaving my bed and daydrinking, I managed to get myself up and start taking care of myself again. I always hate when I tell myself I’m going to grab success, and then end up failing even harder than originally intended.
I could barely being myself to shower and when asked how I was doing, I couldn’t even be honest to my best friend. I felt and looked like shit. My hands were shaking, I felt like being sick all the time and wasn’t eating.

Today I’m in higher spirits, even if I wasted an entire day yesterday just feeling sorry for myself. I can’t even get myself to bed at a decent time anymore without being impaired and I know that. Sobriety just keeps slipping out of reach for me.

I am flipping between anger and sadness. I’m afraid to talk to people again and my frustration is showing. I just needed to vent today and not drink. Ive lost faith in myself again.


Failure is when you fail to see that you have an issue, and when you don’t get back up to try again. Don’t be so hard on yourself. We’ve all been there!! You got this girl!!! And when you feel like you don’t, you’ve got us!


Vent as much you need to! We all rely on the support of others to do this. I’ve said I’ll never drink again over a thousand times. I’m at 3 weeks right now and I’m struggling with facing all the years wasted on drinking but one day at a time and with the help of the people on here times will get better.

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Yes, try not to be too hard on yourself. We’re glad you’re back here and picking yourself up. Just pick right back up where you left off and keep working. Be kind to yourself as you heal from your recent bender. If you want another support resource, I recommend Women For Sobriety. The website is womenforsobriety.org. This program has saved my sobriety and possibly my life.

You can and will get better and feel better. I know it can seem overwhelming at times. Do you have a path forward or more support? Feel free to vent as much as you want!

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Hey what you are going through is completely normal, i know its easy to lose faith in yourself when you relapse but the simple fact that you are doing your best to quit is the first step in order to become the person you deserve to be. Feel free to vent, better outside than in your head…

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Thank you so much to everyone for their wonderful support :slightly_smiling_face: this really means the world to me. Got me through today and I know I may screw up, but it helps to remember that you’re not alone.