HELP - all suggestions welcome

Hi there :wave:t3:

Are there any books, tools, workshops anyone has used to help beat alcoholism?? I’m really struggling at the moment and I hate myself for it :disappointed:


Welcome back to the community Lisa.
I am so sorry that you are struggling. Please show yourself some compassion and love. This is a terrible disease and it eats us alive emotionally and physically.

I am personally reading and loving Quit Like a Woman by Holly Whitaker. A few other recommendations in the below link.

Quit literature

Much love to you. We are here if you need us :people_hugging:


Welcome back!
Glad you’re here seeking support.
What helped me to get a good sobriety foundation was going to an intensive outpatient program (IOP). From there, I moved onto AA. It’s been 4 years now, I haven’t beat alcoholism but as long as I continue going to meetings and working my program, I keep it at bay.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you try one route and it doesn’t work, try another. Keep going until you find what works for you. Just don’t ever give up!


It helps to seek outside supporg for your sobriety on a daily basis. Checking in here as needed is a good start.


Stop hating yourself is a good start, alcoholism is a disease of the body and mind so give yourself a break and have some compassion for yourself…its hard enough to get sober without making things harder by berating yourself and being negative toward yourself…instead start being kind to yourself while you are in these early stages…eat properly, hydrate, get some vitamins, tell yourself you can do this because you absolutely can :people_hugging: :heart:


Some common books are:

Quit Alcohol without Willpower by Alan Carr
This Naked Mind by Annie Grace
AA’s The Big Book

As far a common recovery programs:

SMART recovery
Women for Sobriety

I got sober by coming here and learning the tools of sobriety from those who had longer sobriety than me and then helping those with less than me.

Recovery is possible, but the transformation takes work, a lot of work. Roll up your sleeves and let’s get to it!


Lots of books and other helpful approaches are this thread :


Thank you will definitely give this a go :heart:

Thank you all, needed to hear this today.

I guess this is day 1 and I know tomorrow is going to be a battle, just have to stay strong I guess :heart:


Allen Carrs easy way to quit drinking is great for changing your mindset around drinking…i opted to listen to rather than read it early on in my sobriety when i wasnt in a good way…it was a game changer for me


The Big Book is the instruction manual for how to recover from alcoholism. The instructions are right in it. BUT we need a sponsor to guide us through it.