Help :( emotional support please

I had 3 months sober and I just blew the little savings and clean time I have. I have a 500 dollar ticket I need to pay in February for shoplifting last year. I feel desperate and hopeless. Disappointed in myself. I guess I learned a valuable lesson in hanging with the wrong people. Could use some emotional support right now.


I am sorry you are feeling so raw. :heart:

The upside is… You say you’ve learned.
Good that your here. Please take some time to read about relapsing and how to get back on your feet.

Good luck! You know you can do this since you were doing it.


I’m sorry! I know that financial burden of paying fines. I got 2 more months. Cleaning up the wreckage of our past really sucks. You have to move forward since we can’t change the past. Don’t get hung up on the disappointment, pick yourself up and face it with a clear head. Your life is going to get much better now that you’ve learned from your mistakes.


You don’t lose clean time, just your clean date. Unfortunately learning by mistakes is what addicts do best. What’s done is done, learning from it and moving forward is all you can do. I can relate because i still got a bunch of court fees and everything I’m still taking care of but looking down the road and drowning myself in worry and selfpitty won’t change a damn thing. Take it a day at a time and don’t let it stress you out. Getting yourself back on the right track and right mind set is more important than money you owe court.
Keep ya head up


Hi the first thing my sponsor taught me was people places and things need to change in recovery. We can’t let anyone upset our sobriety. It’s a new day today so get back on track. I suggest getting into a 12steps programme of recovery its a great way to meet soba friends and have people around us to help with recovery x good luck x


Get the ticket paid ,and try to look at whom ya hanging out with,if it’s shoplifters ( no judgement) then maybe you need to re-evaluate.working on yourself and your needs is where you need to be to get in the right footing.

Hi meghan and welcome here,
Like you said yourself: lesson learned.
Sometimes we have to learn things the hard way before it sticks.
What helped me in the beginning of my sobriaty is making a list of things I need to do ore avoid in my road to a sober life. Like a sober plan.
What to do when I have cravings, what to do if someone invite me to a pub, what to do if my hubby get’s a drink and offer me one, what to do if I’m very stressed out, etc.
Thinking things trough before they happen and having a plan about how to deal with those situations has helped me to stay sober untill now.
And…stick around here!
It helps to be here much! :heart:

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Why dont you hang with sober people try a meeting wish you well

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