I’m 13 days sober but today for the first time I’m having temptations. Don’t know what to do?
Keep busy!! I am right here with you. On 11 days now so far first week horrendous cravings and body shakes I ached all over.
What ever you do don’t take that first sip!! It’s just not worth it alcohol is a poison that affects us physically and mentally.
Just think how amazing it will feel to wake up tomorrow not having had a drink tonight! And not hungover. You can be proud of yourself so far 13 days is amazing!! Keep it up and stay sober!
Hi Melody!
What worked for me was buying non-alcoholic beer. It tastes pretty much the same as real beer, so I drink it when I have a craving. It’s probably not the best solution, but it’s better to drink a non-alcoholic one than the real deal if the cravings get really bad.
Same. I do this as well. Really helps. I would suggest making sure you’re full as well. Eat!
I’m 93 days in, just got home from outpatient rehab an a hour ago. Topics were different triggers. One thing I never thought of were different foods we eat. Every one talks about people places: & things.Just eating a bowl of chili & really want a beer. That’s a new one for me. Thought I figured out my triggers guess u never know. Keep fighting
Hi Melody , please stay strong I’m 6 days sober… I understand the urge to think ‘sod it’ but just think how shitty you will feel when you have the hangover. You can do this, everyone here is supporting you
Mine was pizza and sushi. I’ve eaten both several times now sober to get rid of these cravings. I figure I’ve conditioned myself to eat these foods with alcohol, now I have to condition myself to eat without. Bla.