Help/i cant do this

I’m a meth addict and my nf is a alcoholic. I relapsed lately then he did. He had to go to the emergency room then he. Sobered up. Now hes talking down to me and saying really hurtful shit. My mental health isn’t good right now. But he. Doesn’t care. I just can’t quit meth. Could I? Just need some advice. God bless you all


Omg thank you for saying that. That meant a lot. And I just want and need support advice. My mental health isn’t good right now. This. Breakup is really bad. For. My recovery. It’s almost like he wants me to use and fail.

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Can two addicts have a functional relationship? My longtine sober friend @CaptAZ used to say it’s like two dead batteries trying to start a car.

Please consider this: when one is in active addiction, it’s like battling a Hydra. First we fight to abstain from the substance or substances to which we are physically and psychologically addicted.

With work we can be successful, but then we must face the next challenge: addressing the underlying dysfunction that supported the addiction. It could be a past trauma. It could be a subculture with which we identify. It could be a codependent or abusive relationship. It could be a combination of several things.

If we don’t address this, it remains like a ticking bomb, to resurface and wreck our sobriety.

The relationship you described is not healthy for either of you. The breakup could be a blessing if you choose to see it as such. The time and emotional energy you would spend supporting a codependent relationship could be redirected to a new relationship…a relationship with yourself. You can help you…get better at getting better.

Welcome back. I hope you will stay to learn, share, heal and grow.


Well first stop the meth and focus on staying clean. If he is treating you poorly it might be time to leave him.


Focus on you now, what do YOU want and need in life?
Here on this app there is plenty support as also much info to find about quitting your bad habbits around meth.
You do not have to do this all alone and deffinitely not alone with someone near you who talks you down.
You are going to need all the help you can get so surround yourself with those who can bring you that. You found us so that’s a great start! Now focus on the real life as well:
Who can help you in your recovery?
(Like recovery groups, coach, therapist, rehab, etc)