Help I oopsed😣

I relapsed. 2 shots….wasn’t even worth it. I’m trying :disappointed:

It was tonight after work. I am home now but very disappointed.

:+1:t4: Thanks, I’ll try again.


And also get rid of the alc in your house @Toka! If you’re serious about your sobriety, don’t stand in your own way by having that shit in your house tempting you.

You can do this!!! :fist:


Don’t be harsh on yourself at all…it’s a journey of ups and downs for everyone…you are strong because you made the choice to start to giving up and addiction. Best thing you can do is praise yourself for making that start. You have proved to yourself you can do it just don’t give up giving up that’s the key :blush:this is a good app to be on everyone is routing for you to do your best …stay strong :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::blush:


I have little stuggle to bypass the alcohol at the store counter as I leave work and I can do this for days as long as I don’t have a stressful day. My real struggle is when I get home and my husband who is also alcohol dependent is home drinking. :pleading_face:

It’s okay.:heart: Don’t stress, and start fresh tomorrow. The first step is realizing what you did, and knowing you don’t want to do it again. I work with addiction medicine, and one of the things we tell patients is relapse is part of the recovery. You live, learn, be honest, and keep trying.


Try not to beat yourself up over it. The key is to forgive yourself and move on. Tomorrow is another day. Think of what made you want a drink and try to distract. Im 10 days sober yesterday I struggled but thank god I never. Every day is a struggle but we have to fight the temptations. Good luck :+1:


Hey guys I’m ending day 15 :partying_face: …took a minute but I’m here. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Way to bounce back!

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Thanks…I’ll be honest. I’ve replaced many times and it gets harder every time I think, at least for me.

Do you have a sponsor? Go to a meeting. If you wanna stay sober go to AA, get a sponsor, shut up and listen and do what your sponsor says. No amount of white knuckling can keep you sober. That is my experience anyhow


No I don’t have one.

Day 38!!! Woohoo🤗


congratulations on 38 days! :heartpulse::sparkling_heart:

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That’s absolutely fantastic. You have so much strength :muscle:
Be so proud of yourself. Keep going. Every hour, remind yourself of that huge pile of festering, damaging, chaotic, miserable, hopeless SHIT you have left behind. If you wobble, play it through in n your head…where will it lead if you take a drink? You know the answer to that…right back to the middle of a pile of shit!
So strong. You’re an inspiration :+1:

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