Help. I want to drink sooooo bad

I am asking. What do you guys do to help you frim drinking. I am craving so so bad. I need some distractions, i normally crochet but thats not helping.


Take a shower, or go for a walk. Call a friend, put in a YouTube dance workout, read a book, go charity shopping. Anything except drinking


Good of you to ask for help. We all know where you are going trough. Small help: but remember cravings pass. They always are temporary.
Can you go for a walk? For me a little walk trough nature helps.
Ore do something more intensive like a work out? Cleaning your house/room? Whatever!
You can do this, a craving doesn’t kill you!
Your addiction is eventually! So stay sober!


Play the tape forward. Perhaps you are thinking one drink would release stress, loosen you up, etc. Remember how one is never enough. That you crave more and more. And remember all the stupid things you did when drunk. Embarrassing phone calls/messages, breaking stuff, etc
Remember the hangover, the puking, the headache. Maybe write all this down so you can really understand what a truly meaningless and dangerous action it is.


I use to take a long hot showers and cry it out. I spent a lot of time getting in and out of the shower the first few months.

Angry power walks twice a day with Eminem blaring in my ears. I was just so effing angry I cannot drink like a normie.

Meetings are good. I bet there’s a seat available with your name on it.


No, we don’t do this anymore. We are sober people and like it.

Say this :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2: loudly twenty times. Then run around the block and repeat.

If you like, give it a try :people_hugging:


Maybe grow your sobriety, you can try an online AA meeting, or read the Big Book.


Swims, walks, showers, milkshakes, snacks and a good movie, sober books/audiobooks, reaching out here! A nice soft drink helps me at times too.
These are some of the things that helped me :heartpulse: I understand how hard it feels, keep reaching out and reading on here, or find a meeting if that’s an option for you x


Remember that alcohol is a road to nowhere good. Do you want to be sober or do you want to fall into active addiction patterns?


I usually look down at my wrist and take it one day at a time! I distract my cravings by drinking water, coffee, then do a 5 minute meditation. Clear my brain and calm my nerves. #godspeed :rose:


Your post in itself tells all of us you don’t want to drink!

Keep reaching out in those times. I recommend getting a number for someone your comfortable talking to that understands your problem!


Wow…lots of great ideas…id throw in eating something. Im going to look into online mtgs

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This is a normal hurdle in early sobriety. Alot of people mention showers, which is a good idea, but just before you get out turn off the hot water and stay in cold water for as long as you can stand it. Instant rush of endorphins.
This is a temporary sensation, your addiction’s last Hail Mary to get you back. You’re winning this fight, just stay the course.
Welcome and congratulations on your progress.


Drink an ice cold spicy ginger beer. It hits the spot for me with that strong taste and fizz.


Great call out. Eating is something I’d never do when I was actively drinking. I wouldn’t even snack. I’d just keep that booze intake flowing. I don’t think any buzz level was ever good enough. Once I ate it was pass out time. Now if I eat it kills any craving to drink alcohol.


Man…that was me too. Id drink till it was time for bed. Eat…then pass out


I’m so glad you reached out for help.
Some helpful, and healthy things you can do are:

Run cold water over your wrists or hold a frozen orange. They will help to distract without hurting your body.

Find a non-alcoholic alternative that is similar in consistency…whether it be lite grape juice, sparkling water, or whatever…

Watch a movie that is predictable and comforting. You’ll feel safe because it’ll be like an old friend. For me, my go-to’s are either Jurassic Park, Godzilla, or the LOTR movies. They are action packed and I often find myself engrossed in them.

If you are able, leave and come back. Drive around or to a shop to nib around.

And finally, call your sponsor. Meet up if you can. One day at a time.


This is great advice, I think I will write down my usual situations when I ’ fast forward’ and refer to it when I have a craving. Thanks.

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Know that happiness comes in sobriety

I am an opiate addict in recovery and I get a shot once a month called vivitrol (naltrexone) for an anti-craving med that also is prescribed for alcohol cravings and it is a life saver for me. I have heard the same from people who suffer from alcoholism, haven’t heard 1 thing negative about it from anyone. 100% recommend it

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