Help I'm about to break my streak

Well done @Blake11 massive congratulations. Bet you feel so proud? Another rewiring embedded.

Have a great sunday :slight_smile:

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Yey!!! Well done @Blake11 im so proud of you :grin::hugs::clap::clap::clap:

Oh yay!!! This post was a nail biter :grimacing:

This summer I posted something similar… along the lines of what you wrote, the whole do I even really want to be sober thing. I had already convinced myself I didn’t. It was months later that I came back after control lead quickly to daily drinking and then to one of my notorious 7-10 day benders where I just disappear from the face of the earth. I keep saying, just one, then two, then three (“control” number grows rapidly) or only on special occasions. I tell my friends and family that it’s different this time, and I believe my own BS. I lie to myself. And that little addiction to alcohol is a lying little monster that lives in my head.

I’m sooooooo glad you came on here and got support from these great people. Look at the difference waking up in the morning is. Ahhhhh worth a million bucks. Well done and congrats to you!!!


Good for you! Awesome. Awesome times a thousand.

Well well done @Blake11. This app has helped me so much in not picking up this first drink. In coming here before you drink… And that’s what you did. You see? You can have a dinner without drinking. Look how proud you feel today. And this you can have every time there is a dinner. A party. A birthday…
You know how many times I thought ok I only drink on Saturdays. Or Sundays. Then I would stick to it maybe one week and I would fall back into the same rhythm. It just doesn’t work because we can’t control our drinking. And thats why you are here. Well done on having reached out before. Keep on doing this and you will succeed. :grin:

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Congrats! I am very proud of you.

Thanks all so much. I did it. Up early NOT hiding in the bathroom from kids throwing up. Do not miss that feeling. It’s so great to have everyone listen to a strangers struggles and care enough to help me through it. Just amazing!


First thread I clicked on this morning and boy am I glad it ended this way. While Scrolling down I didn’t think it was gonna end well.
You can were right at the edge man. Right at that point of justification of a drink. Luckily, you reached out.

I suggest that you write down what happened. Writing helps. Cuz if you are like me, your Rememberer is broken. We tend to forget how bad our drinking was and why we quit. That’s why it helps to keep if record of the insanity of a craving.
The pure insanity.

Take last night for what it was. A win. All we have is a daily reprieve from our alcoholism. 24 hours of battle at a time. While you came close at the end of yesterday, you still hit the pillow sober last night. That’s a win.

If I could offer one One last suggestion, meetings help. There’s people like you there. They help people like us navigate sobriety. Maybe check one out.

Best wishes
One day at a time


Yay, Blake! Another day won (not another “day one”)! You made my day 178 winnable!

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Awesome Blake you did it! I was following you through this post and I’m so glad you decided against drinking! You’re right behind me, I’m at 15 days. We got this!

Yeah we do!! Whew. By the hair of our chinney chin chins! iStock-524907632-400x329


Well done. You’ve faced your enemy, defeated it, and are stronger for it.

I have said this many times: sobriety doesn’t get easier. We get stronger. Each time we are challenged and emerge victorious, we are stronger.

Strong is what you are left with, when you’ve run out of weakness.


That’s is amazing great work mate it gets easier each time we have to push thru

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I re categorized you thread pal. It was under The Relapses topics and, well, you Didn’t relapse :wink:.

So here’s to keeping you name OUT of that relapse topic area


Pretty amazing stuff watching :eyes: people win… :blush::100:

You are so right! Thank you for putting it so articulately - being allowed to drink one day a year, and spending the entire year thinking about it!

I think that is what defines addiction - that obsession you describe - wanting a drink, smoke whatever it is so much it blocks out the rest of your life - that is the kicker.


Thanks. I guess that is true. I did not! Relapse!


Yes!! I was hoping to scroll down and see this post. Well done. Takes a lot of willpower to defeat a craving like this. You’ve nailed it. :clap:t2::+1:t2:

Omg I’m so proud of you!!! So if I mathed right you are almost 15 days in right!!!

15 days today! Feeling good! Thanks for checking :blush:

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