Help me through this craving please

Hahaha thats ok tho! Everyone deserves some burgers and netflix. No big deal.
I get all in a bad mood when i force myself to stay in and not drink. Its just you fighting the effin voice.
But hey you made it through and a HUGEEE congratulations on going out for snacks and stuff and not getting a drink.
When i feel like that i just try to avoid shops to not have temptation to get booze.
I eat super healthy as well but these days ive got some fast food and it makes me feel all fat :joy:. Still better than drinking and fucking everything up tho

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Yeah I realised when I was in the shop that it might not have been a great idea… where we have to queue it’s right down the booze aisle so you have to stand there surrounded by the stuff until you get served :woman_facepalming: thankfully though when I think about drinking (like actually drinking and not just the idea of it) it makes me feel sick/gag so it wasnt massively tempting… something weird happened when I was walking out though, I was just leaving and happy with my bag of snacks (:laughing:) then happened to look to my right for some reason, as soon as I did my eyes landed on a bottle of vodka that they had on the end of an aisle :flushed: it was like it was saying “hey!!! You forgot me!” It was only for a second but I just kept walking. Not today vodka, not today :fu:


Well I made it! Woke up at 6 feeling fine and the craving has passed. The whole thing is weird, like I said in my last post the idea of drinking, like actually pouring a drink and swallowing it down makes me feel sick (especially vodka which I was very fond of. :nauseated_face:.) . But the idea/memory of drinking and having a good time doing so still sticks and that was getting to me yesterday… yet the last few months of my drinking I didn’t enjoy at all, it was dark and miserable and grim and gross. But I kept drinking hoping for a different outcome that never came. I know that so why do I romanticize it still? :thinking: even when the thought of physically drinking makes me feel sick? something for me to ponder over today…

So anyway back to today, went out for an early walk (was hoping to see some deers but I didn’t :unamused:) now getting ready and going to see my friend later for a walk to a ruined castle, then I need to go shopping and pick my daughter up from her dads, I can’t wait to see her I hate being at home when shes not here :tired_face: non of this would have been possible if I was hungover today, I would have had a crap time on my own, drunk, could have died, done some regrettable things then passed out. Woke up this morning (if I was lucky) mentally tortured myself all day, feeling panic, regret and shame. Only able to do the most basic tasks for the day… might have even continued drinking (strong possibility!!)

But I didnt. I didn’t drink. Instead I moaned and felt miserable but I sat with those feelings and guess what, they passed!
Thing is… drinking wouldn’t have gotten rid of them anyway, well maybe for a few hours but it all would have hit me 1000× over today along with all the guilt and regret (not to mention my health…) on top.
So grateful I dont have to feel like that today. I was strong when it counted and life continues. :sunglasses:


Cravings can be the worst! But you managed through yours. Very, VERY happy for you. And now you can truly enjoy your reunion with your daughter. Victory!!!

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Yaaay! Mannn i had the same situation friday and yesterday. Friday was hard ASF but pulled through the panicking and anxiety. Woke up yesterday on my day off early. Did chores, took my gf to lunch and food shopping. And all that before 4pm i would have NEVER achieved so much if i would have gotten smashed Friday night.
Its hard but feels good. Not to mention the money saved!

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For me when I am alone at home I need to keep busy. When i dont is when i get in trouble. There is also Zoom meetings all day long. Maybe start a project, call someone.l, go visit someone. Also you can maybe read, start a puzzle, work out. Just some other thoughts for you, you will get thru this day!!


I resonate with what you are saying 100%. Good on you to fight the craving. I’m only restarting sobriety after a relapse and my cravings are still very strong, but as you said, it’s not the taste of beer I’m wanting, nor the feeling. it’s the habit I guess, snd maybe the initial healing properties it provides momentarily.
I said to my partner yesterday, ‘I don’t know how to go out without drinking! I’ve always been the life of the party! Without it I’ll just sit and be awkward’. And he told me that I’m actually wittier, funnier and chattier without the alcohol. Funny how we perceive ourselves.
Thank goodness for this chat page. I don’t feel so alone now.
Thank you for sharing.

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